Erez Maggor
I study the political economy of industrial policy and innovation | 24-25 v. researcher @Framtidsstudier |
Lecturer @bengurionu | PhD from @NYUSociology
ID: 4840023807 23-01-2016 22:50:43
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תודה שוב ל Amitai Ziv על ההמלצה החמה. הנה קישור לשרשור שלי המרחיב בנושא:…
Fascinating article by the Erez Maggor, Assaf S Bondy & Jonathan Preminger
Last week, Israel’s largest union called a general strike in support of a hostage deal and cease-fire. Assaf S Bondy, Jonathan Preminger, and I try to explain why it ended so abruptly, and what can be done to advance a more progressive agenda in the future:…
#GeneralStrike is a rare occasion. Erez Maggor, Jonathan Preminger and I suggest an explanation for last week's general strike led by Israel's union federation for a hostage deal and a cease fire, for its abrupt end and for the way to a better future…
»Seit dem Streik haben in ganz Israel weitere Protestaktionen stattgefunden, die vielleicht doch noch die ersehnte und dringend benötigte Waffenruhe herbeiführen können«, schreiben Assaf S Bondy, Erez Maggor und Jonathan Preminger.…