2 for 2 mechanicals today from OAK to PHX trying to get to CMH. Lost a weekend with a dear friend mtg me in CMH tonight b/c I couldn't get there. Time to reconsider moving back to my United Platinum for Life status. PHX just isn't the reliable connector hub it used to he.
There is no mastery without feedback. But it’s hard.
This checklist has really helped me over the years.
My mantra for receiving feedback: Be brave. Listen. You can take what’s helpful and leave the rest.
My mantra for giving feedback: Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.
I share this thought with all future and current new leaders. Your value as a leaders is not in the title man gave you. Your value is found in the work/assignment God has for you. Your assignment is linked to His purpose for your life. Stay true! #Understandtheassignment.