Obi Anyadike (@enugu62) 's Twitter Profile
Obi Anyadike


Journalist & researcher. Senior Africa editor @newhumanitarian. Senior Associate @CSISHumAgenda.

ID: 25484557

calendar_today20-03-2009 10:06:42

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2,2K Following

Obi Anyadike (@enugu62) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Why does X keep suggesting I follow Simon Ateba, that Foxnews-loving White House correspondent? What algorithm is driving this, and how can I make it stop?

Obi Anyadike (@enugu62) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Another great edition, esp the scandal of the Disasters Emergency Committee – UK's largest NGO funding mechanism – refusing to launch a Gaza appeal. Thanks Will Worley… (The New Humanitarian)

DAYO AIYETAN (@dayoaiyetan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just learnt that Juwon Soyinka, West Africa Regional Editor of The Conversation and pioneer Editor of BBC Pidgin Service, was arrested by Department of State Services (DSS) at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport early this morning as he came in from the UK. He's been unreachable since then.

Just learnt that Juwon Soyinka, West Africa Regional Editor of The Conversation and pioneer Editor of BBC Pidgin Service, was arrested by <a href="/OfficialDSSNG/">Department of State Services (DSS)</a> at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport early this morning as he came in from the UK. He's been unreachable since then.
zubaida b. ibrahim 🪭 (@zvbaida) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"The more I learnt about journalism ethics from the American point of view, the more I wondered about the ethical validity of the methods I had used in Nigeria, where, especially as a female journalist, hiding your true identity is often necessary. "…

Obi Anyadike (@enugu62) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Looking forward to reading this over the weekend -- feel it's apt for so many other countries: 'You never get a livelihood out of going to school' The crisis of urban modernity and the education-employment nexus in Harare, Zimbabwe…

Obi Anyadike (@enugu62) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Really nice story by Arawelo on a booming Mogadishu, trying to come to terms with its difficult legacies… (The New Humanitarian)

Obi Anyadike (@enugu62) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Kenyan government's refugee integration plan: Hope or hype? Was good to work with Radio Gargaar to sample refugee views. #ShirikaPlan #RefugeeRights… (The New Humanitarian)

Nun River (@nun_river) 's Twitter Profile Photo

no pension, no social protection. nothing. home to fastest growing elderly population. home to highest number of young people.

Obi Anyadike (@enugu62) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In memory of the peerless Peter da Costa -- an amazing friend to so many 2024 Peter da Costa Memorial Lecture…

ammar azzouz 🪁 عمّار عزّوز (@dr_ammar_azzouz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A new scholarship by the University of Oxford for Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank. Please consider applying or sharing with those interested. scholarship will cover course fees, a grant for living costs, as well as additional support towards arrival costs.…

Obi Anyadike (@enugu62) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What’s the right path for agriculture in Africa – ‘green revolution’ or climate-smart farming? CIFOR-ICRAF WRI Climate #FoodSecurity #SustainableAgriculture… (The New Humanitarian)