Dr. Grace Enriquez
Professor of Language & Literacy - teaching, researching, and writing about critical literacies, children's literature, and embodiment
ID: 1429228597
15-05-2013 01:03:41
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So happy to be working again with these amazing colleagues and friends! St.Kontovourki Liz Johnson

It's finally here! Sharing our latest thinking about embodiment and literacies in ETPC, guest edited with my amazing friends and colleagues St.Kontovourki & Liz Johnson. Also in the issue: Karen Wohlwend cynthia lewis @annecrampton emerald.com/insight/public…

Standing in solidarity with Dr. Jill Biden and adding the honorific. That ridiculous op-ed is simply smug with classism, elitism, and misogyny, and it's clearly written by someone who admits to not having earned a doctorate or knowing what earning one in education really means.

This week on Classroom Bookshelf SchoolLibraryJournal: one of the best poetry anthologies of the year theclassroombookshelf.com/2020/12/explor…

This week on the blog: healing and hope through storytelling. Don't miss the 2021 Newbery Medal and APALA Award winner, When Your Trap a Tiger. @taekeller SchoolLibraryJournal theclassroombookshelf.com/2021/02/healin…

In their book, Dr. Erika Thulin Dawes, Dr. Katie Cunningham, Dr. Dr. Grace Enriquez, & Dr. Cappiello give an invitation of multigenre writing to cultivate critical consciousness. Read Dr. Ted Kesler's review: ow.ly/Vgw550RbAZh Teachers College Press Queens College | The City University of New York