Philipp Engstler
ID: 37170653
02-05-2009 09:17:30
269 Tweet
275 Following

Franz Röösli Thomas Haas Pippa Excellent and insightfull discussion. Philipp Engstler fits to your workshop flowdays.net/all-courses-ev… with Bjarte Bogsnes

Bjarte Bogsnes from Equinor teaches flowdaysrocks Beyond Budgeting or Business Agility as he might call it today.

#ready 4 #sglon18- the flyers for #WAF19 (world agile forum in Davos) just arrived, will you join Henrik Kniberg & us?-tx Klaus Bucka-Lassen for the organization 👍 Find out more under flowdays.net/scrum-powder-w… Scrum Alliance flowdaysrocks

Just met Jeff Sutherland #SGLON18 talked about #scrumatscale and the #WAF Davos - Scrum and powder week. flowdays.net/all-courses-ev…

#Agile in #Procurement - #Buzzword or #Magic?-Find out via our award winning success story at the CIPS-Switzerland event on 5th Dec'18 in Zurich. As always a great opportunity for professional #networking and a glass of wine :-). More & Reg: lnkd.in/gW42BXN flowdaysrocks

Henrik Kniberg Henrik Kniberg and Klaus Bucka-Lassen Klaus Bucka-Lassen tell me there is still space left on their awesome #Scrum Powder Week in Davos starting 25 Feb. flowdays.net/all-courses-ev…

#scrumpowderweek #WAFDavos Quote of the day ‚Don‘t shit the turn, fuck it!‘ frim our ⛷-Instructor. How right she is... Works great! Thanks Sophia Kniberg 😂😂👍🏻👍🏻

#SGVIE19 Alex Osterwalder🇨🇭 Keynote at the Scrum Gatherin in Vienna. Great Start to the conferece, mentioning swiss milk company makes me feel home, as I grew up nearby of swiss milk... 🍀😁

Bin immer noch geflashed vom NPS 100, den Klaus Bucka-Lassen und ich von unseren Teilnehmern am online Training für Scrum Master erhalten haben (LSM)... whuuhuu :-D