Yale IM Traditional Residency Program
X/Twitter Account of the Yale Traditional Internal Medicine Program.
We post info relevant to the residency and also educational tidbits.
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https://medicine.yale.edu/internal-medicine/education/residency/traditional/ 12-10-2023 00:01:19
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Interested in learning more about our program? We will host an open house soon to discuss why we love our program and answer some of your questions! Stay tuned for the date! Yale Internal Medicine Mark D. Siegel #Internalmedicine #Match2025 #MedEd

Congratulations Maryam Mooghali, MD, MSc on an incredible achievement 🎉👏🏻.

Congratulations to our Yale IM Traditional Residency Program alumna, Aakriti Gupta, MD MSc, making a splash in the cardiology world. Yale Internal Medicine

Congratulations Evangelos K. Oikonomou, so proud of you! YaleMedPSTP Yale IM Traditional Residency Program Yale Internal Medicine Yale Cardiology

Congratulations, to Yale IM Traditional Residency Program alumna, Lauren Pischel, MD MSc! So proud of you! Yale Internal Medicine Yale ID Fellows

Not all pancreatic cysts lead to #cancer according to a NEJM review article from James Farrell Et. al. Within, they review cyst types, malignancy risks, and provide an approach to evaluation + management of pancreatic cysts. nejm.org/doi/full/10.10… Yale Cancer Center Yale School of Medicine Yale New Haven Hosp

Great Medical Grand Rounds talk on chaperone-mediated autophagy by Dr. Cuervo Yale Internal Medicine Yale School of Medicine

A fantastic noon report today by Michael Arcieri, MD with an interesting case and clear algorithm on the DDx of Diplopia. Algorithm/Image Source: The Clinical Problem Solvers

Don't miss our IMG and general open houses in the next two weeks! Join us and get to know Yale IM Traditional Residency Program ✨ Mark D. Siegel Silvia Vilarinho YaleMedPSTP #MATCH2025

Hope everyone can join us tomorrow at the Yale IM Traditional Residency Program IMG Open House to learn more about our amazing program!! Tomorrow 8-9 PM EST. Send any questions using the link below! Excited to meet all the amazing IM applicants tomorrow!!!

rosemarie fisher is a trailblazer in medicine - served in leadership roles of ACG AAMC ACGME Gold Foundation. She was also the 1st Yale IM Traditional Residency Program residency director and oversaw the expansion of Yale School of Medicine #GME programs. A stellar educator & physician! #womeninmedicine

Grateful to Dr. Bruce Luxon for his generous donation and AASLD Foundation and AASLD for the award! Thanks to Dr. Guadalupe GarciaTsao for her support. Honored to represent Yale IM Traditional Residency Program, YaleMedPSTP & Yale Digestive Diseases at the Liver Meeting this year! Mark D. Siegel Silvia Vilarinho

Join me, Margaret Axelrod, MD, PhD, and Albert Zhou on tonight’s @a_p_s_a webinar about #PSTP applications!! #MATCH2025 YaleMedPSTP Yale IM Traditional Residency Program