Teghan Simonton
business + health data @TB_Times | @mujschool and @IRE_NICAR alum | Good at journalism, bad at voicemails
ID: 4078551611
https://www.tampabay.com/author/teghan-simonton/ 30-10-2015 23:25:41
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NEW: Court data shows Tampa Bay's biggest real estate investors are also more aggressive pursuing evictions. Some file at double or triple the region's overall rate. From me and Rebecca Liebson, Part 4 of Buying Up the Bay: tinyurl.com/2hc7m6dh via Tampa Bay Times
Large corporations are evicting tenants at higher than average rates, court data shows. Teghan Simonton and I followed one family in real time as they were forced to vacate their home. Read more in the fourth installment of Buying up the Bay tampabay.com/news/real-esta…
“Experts say nationwide, many large companies file systematically and often gratuitously, using the process to extract additional fees from tenants.” By Tampa Bay Times’ Teghan Simonton Rebecca Liebson tampabay.com/news/real-esta…
Fixed incomes and limited savings are driving some #Florida seniors out of retirement and back to work. tampabay.com/news/st-peters… via Lauren Peace
"It felt like the health care system was erasing her son." Some Florida long-term home care patients, including some with profound disabilities, losing Medicaid coverage. Must read from Teghan Simonton Tampa Bay Times tampabay.com/news/health/20…
Floridians already struggle with a high cost of living. Skyrocketing electricity bills are making it worse. Great reporting via Emily L. Mahoney and Teghan Simonton: tampabay.com/news/business/…
Robert DuBoise spent 37 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. His exoneration would reveal a rash of serial killings in 1983 Tampa. Christopher Spata and Dan Sullivan take us back in time to unravel what happened, and the story will make your head spin: tampabay.com/news/crime/202…
My first vacation of the year starts tomorrow, so I won’t be covering the St. Petersburg City Council’s Rays stadium workshop or 1st votes on the stadium/HGPD project. But I did write a preview! Follow my talented colleague Teghan Simonton for coverage tampabay.com/news/st-peters…
A lot of support for the stadium deal yesterday, but still some concern over finer details like sustainability. And some on council disagree that the Gas Plant redevelopment needs a stadium at all. Catch up before tonight's council meeting: tampabay.com/news/st-peters… via Tampa Bay Times
It's hard to wrap your head around the plans and impact a new Tampa Bay Rays stadium and the Historic Gas Plant District will have on St. Pete, Pinellas County and the Tampa Bay region Jack Evans Rebecca Liebson, Teghan Simonton & I put it into context tampabay.com/news/st-peters…
Tampa residents, I would like to talk to you about bad parking! 🚗🚨🚫 Specifically, I want to hear about the times you’ve encountered vehicles blocking sidewalks & bike lines for Tampa Bay Times 🚲 Have photographs? Even better. DM or email OGeorge (at) tampabay (dot) com. Thanks!
NEW: For Buying up the Bay, Part 5 - we spent months analyzing statewide property data to see how many Florida homes are owned by corporate investors. We found more than 117,000. See where they are, and what this means for the state: tampabay.com/news/business/… via Tampa Bay Times
In Florida, jails are over capacity as hundreds of people sleep on floor beds. Some are held for months on non-violent misdemeanor charges. Public officials point to a recent bail reform law and wonder if it needs to be changed Tampa Bay Times tampabay.com/news/pinellas/…