Subsilience ERC Project
🔶 Subsistence and human resilience to sudden climatic events in Europe during MIS3 | @ERC_Research CoG (nº 818299) | PI: Ana B. Marín-Arroyo @unican @evoadapta
ID: 1146306724976091137 03-07-2019 06:36:35
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Unveiling the carnivores presence even when they are not in the archaeofaunal record revealed by sedaDNA in El Mirón cave by Pere Gelabert. Such a incredible results!
A new hominin bone found among thousands of fragments using proteomics. So happy for my student emily pigott who discovered this possible late Neanderthal on Tuesday. One of dozens of new hominin fragments found in the #DoukaLab over the last 2 yrs! Universität Wien Katerina Douka
Paper alert! New dating reveals a 65,000 year-long sequence of #fire use at Xiaodong Rockshelter by #Hoabinhian populations in the tropical forests of Yunnan, #China. Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution…
It is out! Glad to be part of the Research team led by PSanchezYustos about Cueva Millán that provides new evidence about the MUP transition in Castillan plateau. Check it out 👇🏻…
NEW!! From those ungulate teeth>these animal ecology, temperature and vegetation data at the time Neanderthals and AMH lived in NW &NE Iberia from 80 to 15k cal BP. Have a look our OA paper at Biogeosciences! ⬇️…
Its finally out! What a journey. This project started in 2019 when Maria Teschler-Nicola talked to me about Asparn-Schletz for the first time. It was my first week living in Vienna. Almost 6 years after I could'nt be happier. The LBK! HEAS Vienna…
📢 ¡Estamos de nuevo en el foco! Nuestro artículo publicado en Scientific Reports sigue generando interés🧐y ahora ha sido destacado en la Revista Digital de Castilla y León RevistaCastillayLeón 🙌¡Muchas gracias por la difusión!✨🫶…