Jürgen Schmidhuber
Invented principles of meta-learning (1987), GANs (1990), Transformers (1991), very deep learning (1991), etc. Our AI is used many billions of times every day.
ID: 1163786515144724485
https://people.idsia.ch/~juergen/most-cited-neural-nets.html 20-08-2019 12:15:46
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Amazing that Jürgen Schmidhuber gave this talk back in 2012, months before AlexNet paper was published. In 2012, many things he discussed, people just considered to be funny and a joke, but the same talk now would be considered at the center of AI debate and controversy. Full talk:

So Yann LeCun: "I've been advocating for deep learning architecture capable of planning since 2016" vs me: "I've been publishing deep learning architectures capable of planning since 1990." I guess in 2016 Yann LeCun also picked up the torch. (References attached)

The GOAT of tennis Novak Djokovic said: "35 is the new 25.” I say: “60 is the new 35.” AI research has kept me strong and healthy. AI could work wonders for you, too!

I am hiring 3 postdocs at #KAUST to develop an Artificial Scientist for discovering novel chemical materials for carbon capture. Join this project with Francesco Faccio at the intersection of RL and Material Science. Learn more and apply: faccio.ai/postdoctoral-p…