Rosie Riveter NHP
Official Twitter source of Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front National Historical Park.
ID: 3301608800
http://www.nps.gov/rori 30-07-2015 14:35:51
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Rosie Riveter NHP Here’s a photo of Betty Reid Soskin behind the counter Of Reid's Records in 1989, looking superfly in an Adidas track jacket. What a legend!

From the lives of young, immigrant women who worked the textile mills at Lowell National Historical Park to the female shipyard workers essential to the home front during World War II at Rosie Riveter NHP — women's history can be found at sites across the country. nps.gov/subjects/npsce…

Read about the original "Rosies," the park dedicated to them, how women today are navigating the labor market, and how @wb_dol supports today's women working in the trades. Rosie Riveter NHP #RosieTheRiveter #RosieTheRiveterDay blog.dol.gov/2022/03/21/cel…

Next, a question from Cecelia Thiel, Supervisory Interpretation Ranger at Rosie Riveter NHP in Richmond, CA, on how the results of Nation’s Report Card have changed over time. Watch below.