Grange Primary (@primarygrange) 's Twitter Profile
Grange Primary


ID: 2369747913

calendar_today27-02-2014 20:50:39

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144 Following

Angus Active Schools (@activeschangus) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our final Roll of Honour is the Outstanding Contribution Award and is for those that have involved themselves in several activities this academic year and had a huge impact in their school...#AngusActiveSchoolsAwards Angus Council Angus Virtual School ANGUSalive sportscotland

Angus Council (@anguscouncil) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Monifieth Learning Campus We are progressing with the new Monifieth Learning Campus by holding several public events, with the first one being held on Thursday 28 July 2022 from 3.00pm to 6.30pm, at Monifieth High School. Find out more here:

Monifieth Learning Campus

We are progressing with the new Monifieth Learning Campus by holding several public events, with the first one being held on Thursday 28 July 2022 from 3.00pm to 6.30pm, at Monifieth High School. Find out more here:
Angus Council (@anguscouncil) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As you know we’re changing the way parents and carers pay for school meals and trips, moving from iPay to ParentPay. ParentPay works in a very similar way to iPay. ⬇️

As you know we’re changing the way parents and carers pay for school meals and trips, moving from iPay to ParentPay. ParentPay works in a very similar way to iPay. ⬇️
Angus Council (@anguscouncil) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You’ll need to set up a new account but you can do this in the same way for iPay through mygovscot’s my account or for quicker access, you can set up directly through ParentPay. Look out for your ParentPay activation letter that you will get this week/beginning of next week.

Angus Council (@anguscouncil) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Please activate your account as soon as possible. If you’ve a child at secondary school, you’ll also get a pin code that they can use at the till when ordering their meal. You’ll get this early next week. #ParentPay

Grange Primary (@primarygrange) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On Thursday P5A took part in a live code along delivered by Digital Learning and Teaching. The learnt to code emoji faces and music and transfer onto them onto a microbit. Great fun! #Creative

Education Scotland (@educationscot) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How well do you understand distressed behaviour? Understanding and recognising how stress and anxiety arise over time is crucial to supporting autistic learners to feel less distressed. World #AutismAcceptanceWeek #autism National Autistic Society Learn more 👉

How well do you understand distressed behaviour?
Understanding and recognising how stress and anxiety arise over time is crucial to supporting autistic learners to feel less distressed. World #AutismAcceptanceWeek #autism <a href="/Autism/">National Autistic Society</a> 

Learn more 👉
Education Scotland (@educationscot) 's Twitter Profile Photo

💡 April is Stress Awareness Month 💡 Check out our Resilience Alphabet, a free resource to promote resilience skills in children and young people. It can help them deal with and recover from difficult situations. #StressAwarenessMonth Learn more 👉

💡 April is Stress Awareness Month 💡 Check out our Resilience Alphabet, a free resource to promote resilience skills in children and young people. It can help them deal with and recover from difficult situations. #StressAwarenessMonth

Learn more 👉
Digital Learning and Teaching (@digilearnscot) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NEED HELP with digital skills and knowledge? Our Teacher Digital Literacy support page is the place for you:… Education Scotland

Education Scotland (@educationscot) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our 'I am a digITal explorer' resource helps families to have lots of fun learning about the digital world. You can find out about the work of real-life IT professionals and try some activities as a family. Find out more -

Our 'I am a digITal explorer' resource helps families to have lots of fun learning about the digital world. You can find out about the work of real-life IT professionals and try some activities as a family. Find out more -
Angus Active Schools (@activeschangus) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What an excellent afternoon at the Grange Primary Colour Run. A fun and colour packed afternoon engaging over 200 runners in the event. Great to see pupils from all stages and families coming together to get active and have fun. #sportforlife #activemonifieth

What an excellent afternoon at the <a href="/PrimaryGrange/">Grange Primary</a> Colour Run. 

A fun and colour packed afternoon engaging over 200 runners in the event. 

Great to see pupils from all stages and families coming together to get active and have fun.  

#sportforlife #activemonifieth
Landscapes 4 Learning Ltd (@landscapes4lrn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📦 PRODUCT TESTERS WANTED !!!!! 📦 . ! SCHOOLS/EARLY YEARS SETTINGS WANTED !!! We are/will be developing new products throughout 2024 (as we do every year) and to that end, we need to build the first of a range. We would love to gift (at random) the first one of any new


We are/will be developing new products throughout 2024 (as we do every year) and to that end, we need to build the first of a range. 

We would love to gift (at random) the first one of any new
Digital Learning and Teaching (@digilearnscot) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NEW DIGITAL LITERACY GUIDANCE Our Learner Digital Skills toolkit [draft] launched on Friday. It aims to make clear the knowledge and skills learners need to be digitally literate in an easy-to-use format. You can find it here:… Education Scotland


Our Learner Digital Skills toolkit [draft] launched on Friday. It aims to make clear the knowledge and skills learners need to be digitally literate in an easy-to-use format. 

You can find it here:…

<a href="/EducationScot/">Education Scotland</a>