OrangePi (@orangepixunlong) 's Twitter Profile


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OrangePi (@orangepixunlong) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#OrangePi is excited to showcase our AI-powered products based on #HuaweAscend technology, including the Orange Pi Smart Robotic Arm, Smart Car, and the Gesture-Controlled Snake Game. Check out these cutting-edge AI solutions in action! πŸš—πŸ“·πŸ€– #OrangePi #HuaweiDay

#OrangePi is excited to showcase our AI-powered products based on #HuaweAscend technology, including the Orange Pi Smart Robotic Arm, Smart Car, and the Gesture-Controlled Snake Game.  

Check out these cutting-edge AI solutions in action! 
#OrangePi #HuaweiDay