Ollie Tennant
Queer identifying Actor/Writer from the North West. MV LDN grad |spotlight.com/profile/7055-0…| rep’d by @CMA_London ⚡️⚡️⚡️ He/Him.
ID: 3149522553
08-04-2015 22:25:14
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THEATRE TWITTER - these lovely people are putting on my play Close Enough to Touch. It's a queer one person show on at Drayton Arms Theatre for two nights. I really want to give this show a future run so if any producers want to come please DM me. RTs appreciated! thedraytonarmstheatre.co.uk/close-enough-t…

This is a wonderfully written Queer story from Henry Roberts. Come see our Work In Progress showing of it next Month. We’d love to give it a second life!!!

⚠️one week till we open⚠️ Think Lauren running round to get in both pictures is impressive? Just wait till you watch Close Enough at Drayton Arms Theatre on the 14th/15th of May😏 Tickets: thedraytonarmstheatre.co.uk/close-enough-t… Ollie Tennant Lauren Tranter Henry Roberts

“I must be seen. I will be remembered” Spring 2024🔥 #JVK Raw Material Capital Theatres: Festival, King’s & Studio Directed by the amazing Orla O’Loughlin Image- Photography: Mihaela Bodlovic Art direction: Niall Walker Makeup: MV Brown

Weekday afternoons in England when the sun comes out… 🌞 …not a bad view from the office 🌇 Side note: there should never have been a one there. Cricket District That’s So Village The Grade Cricketer Cricket Shouts 🏏