@UniofNewcastle Centre of Excellence for Rare Disease works with @NewcastleHosps @NHIPartners & more, to constitute a 'Newcastle RD' community(Tweets V.Hedley)
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https://www.ncl.ac.uk/rare-diseases/ 31-08-2021 15:24:55
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We're very proud to partner with EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe on the upcoming 12th European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products. 15 & 16 May and fully hybrid for the first time! Register now! Members of our network get 15% off ticket price with code: ECRD24_15%_Partners #ECRD2024

Our Newcastle Centre for #RareDisease is delighted to be coordinating one of 4 new LifeArc Translational Research Centres for RD! We're partnering with Uni of Birmingham and Queen's University Belfast 🎓 to deliver a 12M 5 year Trials Acceleration Platform (#RD_TAP) ! ncl.ac.uk/press/articles…

Our Newcastle University #raredisease experts are proud to play a key role in the new LifeArc Translational Research Centres! We're coordinating a cross-disease trials acceleration platform & partnering in the #mitochondrial centre led from Cambridge University tinyurl.com/2x6je7sp

Our #Newcastle Centre for #raredisease is v. proud to be coordinating Centre 4 below with experts in Uni of Birmingham & Queen's University Belfast 🎓 ! Congrats also to our Newcastle University colleagues Taylor Lab , partners in the new LifeArc #mitochondrial Centre with Cambridge Clinical Mitochondrial Research Group et. al

Congratulations Taylor Lab Cambridge Clinical Mitochondrial Research Group & all! We're all very excited to see how you will address unmet need in #mitochondrial disease via this new LifeArc Centre 💚💜The Lily Foundation UCL_QS_CNMD Muscular Dystrophy UK Prof Michael Hanna Horvath Lab Jelle van den Ameele Newcastle University

V.Hedley & Joanne Lee from our #Newcastle Centre for #RareDisease are in #Bari this week for the final meeting of the 5 year @EJPRareDiseases initiative, which developed tools & methods to advance RD research, in terms of data, diagnostics, translation, mentoring, PPIE & more

Really interesting to hear about the range of research projects (77 of them!) the @EJPRareDiseases initiative has funded over the last 5 years. Especially good to see projects like #SAPIENCE presented by Carsten Finke, exploring social & psychological impact of #raredisease

Our #Newcastle Centre for #RareDisease is committed to collaborating nationally & internationally, working for better RD policies alongside groups like EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe & participating to events like the European Economic and Social Committee hearing on a RD Opinion💜 tinyurl.com/5n9xymue tinyurl.com/3acfpx23

A 2017 EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe survey collected ground-breaking data on the daily impact of #rarediseases on patients & carers - please complete/share this NEW survey, to build a stronger evidence base &help develop policies & services that truly reflect patient need! tinyurl.com/45ue4y9u