Navin Kapur
Interventional Heart Failure Specialist; Physician-Scientist
ID: 1124755544760291335
04-05-2019 19:19:53
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Is this the best review ever written about temp RV MCS? My bias is yes! Congrats to Anthony Carnicelli, MD FACC & Manreet Kanwar for leading this effort w/ outstanding multidisciplinary collaborators. Indications, weaning strategies, anticoag recs, & more. JHLT jhltonline.org/article/S1053-…

Check out the August SoCCC Newsletter to stay updated on the latest happenings and don't miss the special note from our president Jason N. Katz ! 👇 🔗 shoutout.wix.com/so/50P4Bfzkl?l… BalimSenman Ann Gage Elliott Miller David M. Dudzinski MD CCCEnthusiasts Saraschandra Vallabhajosyula, MD MSc

A fantastic meeting CV Innovations this month with #interventional #heartfailure #IHF KOLs discussing valvular HF, HFpEF, advanced HFrEF, VAD outflow graft obstruction, and Cardiogenic Shock all focused on optimizing patient care. Looking forward to #CVI 2025

Blessed to have this opportunity to work with amazing mentors!! Navin Kapur Tufts School of Medicine Tufts Medical Center Management of Myocardial Infarction: Emerging Paradigms for the Future | Methodist DeBakey Cardiovascular J journal.houstonmethodist.org/articles/10.14…

Arabian SCAI Shock Journey Virtual program: September 7 Let’s address the 🐘 in the room..how can we improve outcomes? Khaled AlShaibi Salem Assiri, MD, FACC Timothy Henry MIЯVΛƬ #IC Dr.Ibrahim Jelaidan, FRCP DRCPSCد. إبراهيم جليدان Alex Truesdell Navin Kapur Nouf Alanazi 🇸🇦 Abdullah Alsaiedi I عبدالله السعيدي 🔗 us06web.zoom.us/webinar/regist…

Higher bleeding and limb ischemia in the Impella arm of DANGER shock highlight the need to reduce MCS complications. Our data demonstrate that the post-closure technique is a safe & viable option for arteriotomy closure after Impella removal. shorturl.at/JuwJA Navin Kapur

So proud of IHF fellow Molly Silkowski, DO & Alec Biscopink & Ryan Moore for their work on API in shock! 8yrs after Navin Kapur showed me the ropes at my 1st ACURE, I’m honored to pass the torch! More to come! Ryan J Tedford MD A-CURE Working Group MUSC Cardiology Fellowship Programs

Incredibly excited and proud to receive this NOA for my NIH K08 studying #ECMO #hemodynamics and afterload modulation. Thank you to my mentors & colleagues and looking forward to advancing care for our #MCS patients Tufts Medicine Tufts Medical Center Research #WIC #MDPhD #PhysicianScientist

Targeted therapy instead of non selective therapy in cardiogenic shock. Yusuf Dikec is also mentioned in the leading cardiology congress of the world😊 Clearly know your target! #ESCCongress2024 #ESC2024 Navin Kapur

#ESC2024 highlight: MCS or no MCS: Navin Kapur vs. Dr. Thiele. Check out our #simpub JACC Journals from #CSWG SCAI-Walker manuscript on #shock severity at 0-72h 👇Elric Zweck Manreet Kanwar Jaime Hernandez-Montfort Shashank Sinha, MD, MSc, FACC, FAHA, FHFSA Jacob Abraham, MD The ISHLT European Society of Cardiology

Great debate: mechanical circulatory support in cardiogenic shock Navin Kapur vs Holger Thiele Dr Roxana Mehran Martine Gilard European Society of Cardiology

Amazing talks and discussions pushing the boundaries of what could be possible in future research and treatment of cardiogenic shock. Navin Kapur Holger Thiele Dr Roxana Mehran at #ESCCongress still a lot of work to do in CS and MCS research!

Acute cardiac care & cardiogenic shock is multinational 🇲🇽 🇺🇸🇩🇪Navin Kapur Elric Zweck Alexandra Arias Dr. Alejandro Candia Alejandro Sierra

The best “Great Debate” European Society of Cardiology #ESCCogress Navin Kapur @HolgerThiele

Serial shock severity assessment may improve outcomes suggests new data from the Cardiogenic Shock Working Group: bit.ly/3X6qaDH #JACC #ESCCongress Navin Kapur

Navin Kapur Nir Uriel, MD MSc Columbia Cardiovascular Institute Dan Burkhoff MD PhD Mickey Brener MD MS Join the 10th A-CURE Working Group meeting in Madrid. Looking forward to getting know CS ehnthusiastics throughout the world! Vas Panoulas Jan Belohlavek Raj Patel Manreet Kanwar L. Christian Napp MD Alastair Proudfoot

#ESCCongress Late Breaking Science 1-year data ECLS-SHOCK Dr Roxana Mehran Navin Kapur Christian Schulze Janine Pöss María Rubini

For the critical care community these findings may be understood. For non-critical care providers - 24 hrs means limited time to reassess, escalate care, or transfer to another facility. The Golden Day slips by quickly. More to come. #Don’tSleepOnShock Sunil V. Rao Jason N. Katz