Mónica Padilla Gálvez
Lab Tech BlancoMelo Lab @fredhutch | BSc Genomic Sciences @UNAM | Interested on gene regulation, evolution and viruses . She/they
ID: 1243675160235757568
27-03-2020 23:04:58
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Congratulations, Sophia Orozco-Ruiz B.Sc.!! An excellent thesis and defense, obtaining the degree of Bachelor on Genomic Sciences with well-deserved honors. Extremely proud of the first student graduating from our lab!🎓🥂 LCG UNAM Juriquilla (LCGEJ) LIIGH ENES Juriquilla

Recuerda hacer tu registro en meetup.com/es/rladies-que… Gracias a la coordinación de la licenciatura en tecnología ¡Nos vemos en la ENES Juriquilla Aula V-301 !

“Latin America has great potential and is commonly overlooked in research; there are amazing groups worth collaborating with.” Alejandra Medina-Rivera's research centers on diseases like lupus + Parkinson's with a strong focus on including Mexican participants #LatinxHeritageMonth

Very successful 1st #BlancoMeloLab retreat! Thank you Qing Yang Mónica Padilla Gálvez Erin Barnett Sophie Kogut, Sophie Lu and Ting Liu for all the hard work. Together we will do great things #lovevirology

Heading for #ASV2024 later today with an incredible group of scientists! If you are interested in paleovirology and the regulation of the antiviral response check out talks and posters by Qing Yang Sophie Erin Barnett & Mónica Padilla Gálvez See you all tomorrow at W1-1 #LoveVirology

We all owe our scientific careers to these undergrad programs in Mexico LCG UNAM LCG UNAM Juriquilla (LCGEJ) #SMBE2024 I’m always excited to see what my Mexican fellows are doing. From older and younger generations I can see a lot of role models. Thank you for being such an inspiration

Finally, we hiked our way up to Heather Lake for the 2nd annual lab retreat. Besides the mosquitos, chalk talks in the woods were awesome! Thanks team for a great summer of fun and science! Qing Yang Erin Barnett Mónica Padilla Gálvez Sophie Sara Becker & Ting Liu

Delighted to have worked on this perspective on the cis-regulatory code with Julia Zeitlinger (@[email protected]), Jason Ernst Lab, Ferhat Ay, Anthony Mathelier, Alejandra Medina-Rivera, Shaun Mahony, Saurabh Sinha arxiv.org/abs/2411.04363. We provide an overview of current progress and some challenges to think about.

Gene regulation involves thousands of proteins that bind DNA, yet comprehensively mapping these is challenging. Our paper in Nature Genetics describes ChIP-DIP, a method for genome-wide mapping of hundreds of DNA-protein interactions in a single experiment. nature.com/articles/s4158…