Mike Tyler ن
Christian / Teacher of Teachers / Former FE Sport Lecturer / Bibliophile / Oikophile / Not on the Left / 2+2=4 / #MoveForJoy / 🇬🇧
(Pronouns: Thee/Thou/Thine)
ID: 339031743
https://www.youtube.com/user/miketylersport 20-07-2011 13:48:20
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This voters guide published by the Assemblies of God Assemblies of God US in 1984 is a breath of fresh air in this current political climate. Imagine how different our discourse could become if we followed these 10 values once again.
After the excellent flash webinar on AI in education by InnerDrive yesterday, I'm digging into the paper mentioned by Brad Busch by Bastani (2024)