Midlo HS Boys Soccer (@midloboyssoccer) 's Twitter Profile
Midlo HS Boys Soccer


Conference 20 champs '14, '16 and '17.
Region 4B champs '14 and '18.

ID: 4329504616

linkhttp://www.midlothianathletics.org/main/teamschedule/id/59512/seasonid/3769837 calendar_today30-11-2015 13:50:52

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228 Following

Midlo HS Boys Soccer (@midloboyssoccer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

MBS: Conditioning 1/30 & 2/1 @ 3:30 @ River City. 2-mile run on Fri 2/2 Final interest meeting on 2/6 @ 3:15 in rm 135 to go over tryout dates & all required paperwork to get a tryout pass.

Midlo HS Boys Soccer (@midloboyssoccer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Soccer interest meeting today, 2/6 at 3:15 PM in room 135. It’s the final interest meeting before tryouts. Itry out info including times, dates, and locations as well required Paperwork will be discussed.

Midlo HS Boys Soccer (@midloboyssoccer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Midlo Boys Soccer Tryouts are 1 week away. Feb 19th @ 9:39am & Feb 20th-21st @ 3:30-5:30. All held @ River City. Be sure you have obtained a tryout card prior to the 19th.

Midlo Boys Soccer Tryouts are 1 week away. Feb 19th @ 9:39am & Feb 20th-21st @ 3:30-5:30. All held @ River City. Be sure you have obtained a tryout card prior to the 19th.
Midlo HS Boys Soccer (@midloboyssoccer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The following MUST be submitted in order to obtain a tryout pass: -Sudden Cardiac Arrest -Concussion Policy -VCU Health Sports Medicine -CCPS Assumption of Risk -Student Athlete Sportsmanship -VHSL Physical Form Go to midlothian.rschoolteams.com for info on how to submit

Midlo HS Boys Soccer (@midloboyssoccer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tryouts are on Monday, 2/19 @ 9:30am. Make sure all your paperwork has been submitted online at Midlothian.rschoolteams. You must have a tryout pass to participate

Midlo HS Boys Soccer (@midloboyssoccer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Midlo Boys Soccer Tryouts tomorrow, Feb 19th @ 9:30am @ River City Sportsplex field #11. Check in starts @ 9am. Must have a tryout pass

Midlo Boys Soccer Tryouts tomorrow, Feb 19th @ 9:30am @ River City Sportsplex field #11. Check in starts @ 9am. Must have a tryout pass
Midlo HS Boys Soccer (@midloboyssoccer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Reminder: tryouts begin @ 9:30am. Check-in starts at 9. Must have a tryout pass. Make sure you have shin guards and a white & dark shirt.

Reminder: tryouts begin @ 9:30am. Check-in starts at 9. Must have a tryout pass. Make sure you have shin guards and a white & dark shirt.