Kathie Pearson (@kp_hinderton) 's Twitter Profile
Kathie Pearson


Research Lead @HindertonTSA 📚 Specialist Autism Teacher @green_hinderton 🍏 Maths & Science Lead 🔢🔬 Trainer 👩🏻‍🏫 MSc Psych🎓 Google Educator 💻

ID: 922148726428307457

linkhttp://www.hinderton.cheshire.sch.uk/ calendar_today22-10-2017 17:12:43

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Durham_NeuroDev (@durhamdevdis) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“Distraction, distress and diversity: Exploring the impact of sensory processing differences on learning and school life for pupils with autism spectrum disorders” by @Liz_KJones Mary Hanley Debbie Riby Durham Psychology funded by NINE DTP Open Access here: authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S17…

RADLDcampaign (@radldcam) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As part of #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek we are releasing this video highlighting the links between #DevLangDis and #SEMH. SCALES youtu.be/-orJLnCgGJw

As part of #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek we are releasing this video highlighting the links between #DevLangDis and #SEMH. <a href="/PALS_SCALES/">SCALES</a> youtu.be/-orJLnCgGJw
Kathie Pearson (@kp_hinderton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fantastic working with PhD student Charlotte Rothwell from Lancaster Psychology over the past few weeks; we’ve really enjoyed taking part in your research on how children’s interests affect the way they learn words.

Fantastic working with PhD student Charlotte Rothwell from <a href="/lancspsychres/">Lancaster Psychology</a> over the past few weeks; we’ve really enjoyed taking part in your research on how children’s interests affect the way they learn words.
EEF (@educendowfoundn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

EEF Blog: Reading aloud with your class – what does the research say? Megan Dixon (Megan Dixon) offers an overview of the current evidence base and how our new Teacher Choices trial - The Story Time Trial - will contribute to it: eef.li/4xlk1l

EEF Blog: Reading aloud with your class – what does the research say?

Megan Dixon (<a href="/DamsonEd/">Megan Dixon</a>) offers an overview of the current evidence base and how our new Teacher Choices trial - The Story Time Trial - will contribute to it: eef.li/4xlk1l
Kathie Pearson (@kp_hinderton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Excited to be working with @Liz_KJones from Durham Psychology again this week as part of her research into sensory differences and off-task behaviour📚 #popupclassroom

Excited to be working with @Liz_KJones from <a href="/DurhamPsych/">Durham Psychology</a> again this week as part of her research into sensory differences and off-task behaviour📚 #popupclassroom
Carole Christian (@cc_hinderton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day 1 of the joint workforce development training with @HindertonTSA school, CITA and Chester Uni. A fantastic day exploring good autism practice in primary and secondary settings. #autismeducation

Day 1 of  the joint workforce development training with @HindertonTSA school, CITA and Chester Uni. A fantastic day exploring good autism practice in primary and secondary settings. #autismeducation
Kathie Pearson (@kp_hinderton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Looking to develop your knowledge and understanding of good autism practice? Join our next training event: eventbrite.co.uk/e/aet-good-aut… #aet #goodautismpractice #cpd #autism

Kathie Pearson (@kp_hinderton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Interesting day exploring strategic leadership for improvement and impact with ALL at Olive Tree Primary #NPQML #teamdevelopment #Tuckman #johari #Goleman #Fullan

Interesting day exploring strategic leadership for improvement and impact with <a href="/ALLearning1/">ALL</a> at <a href="/OliveTreeBolton/">Olive Tree Primary</a> #NPQML #teamdevelopment #Tuckman #johari #Goleman #Fullan
DurhamResearchOnline (@drodurham) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Liz (@Liz_KJones) is looking for age 6-10 year olds to be junior scientists over half term. The child of one of our open access team members has taken part and LOVED it! Your child could contribute to #DUResearch 😄 Email [email protected]

Kathie Pearson (@kp_hinderton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thoroughly enjoyed working with Emma today to deliver AutismEducationTrust 'Good Autism Practice' training to colleagues from a range of settings 🙌🏼 #autism #differencenotdeficit @HindertonTSA

Thoroughly enjoyed working with Emma today to deliver <a href="/AutismEducatio1/">AutismEducationTrust</a> 'Good Autism Practice' training to colleagues from a range of settings 🙌🏼 #autism #differencenotdeficit 
EEF (@educendowfoundn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Dept for Education has published a list of 6 apps as part of its #hungrylittleminds campaign designed to help parents support their children's learning at home: buff.ly/37JHOkX

The Dept for Education has published a list of 6 apps as part of its #hungrylittleminds campaign designed to help parents support their children's learning at home: buff.ly/37JHOkX
The NCETM (@ncetm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On #WorldBookDay next week, don’t forget about maths stories! Our article gives you plenty of tips on using maths picture books to enhance your pupils’ mathematical understanding ncetm.org.uk/resources/52992

On #WorldBookDay next week, don’t forget about maths stories! Our article gives you plenty of tips on using maths picture books to enhance your pupils’ mathematical understanding ncetm.org.uk/resources/52992
Kathie Pearson (@kp_hinderton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The wonderful Gina Davies explaining the theory behind her 'Attention Autism' programme to help anyone wanting to continue these sessions at home: youtu.be/3_iGTLToK3U

Kathie Pearson (@kp_hinderton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Attention Autism Video 2 from Gina Davies on the use of whiteboards, drawing symbols and making things easier for our children : youtu.be/mTV8VHFdUAY

Kathie Pearson (@kp_hinderton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Attention Autsim Video 3: Stage 1 'The Bucket'. Gina explains how this can be recreated at home and explains the theory of the approach: youtu.be/uMOHHFFtcQA

Kathie Pearson (@kp_hinderton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Attention Autism Video 4: Stage 1 ideas on a Coronavirus theme to draw attention to key objects and support the learning of key vocabulary: youtu.be/h2Xw4tQwwzo

Gina Davies Autism Centre (@ginadaviesac) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The new Attention Autism at Home programme for the parents of 6-11 year olds who are talking is now open for bookings. Click on the following link to find out more and book a place 🪣✨ bookwhen.com/ginadavies/e/e…

The new Attention Autism at Home programme for the parents of 6-11 year olds who are talking is now open for bookings. Click on the following link to find out more and book a place 🪣✨ bookwhen.com/ginadavies/e/e…
Monthly Tweet-Off (@monthlytweetoff) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As it’s early let’s talk #Coffee #DYK allegedly #goats were the 1st creatures to discover coffee? 9th century goat-herder Kaldi noticed his goats behaving erratically after feeding from a Coffea arabica tree ☕️🐐 📸: African Pygmy, Anglo Nubian, Welsh Mountain goats

As it’s early let’s talk #Coffee
#DYK allegedly #goats were the 1st creatures to discover coffee?
9th century goat-herder Kaldi noticed his goats behaving erratically after feeding from a Coffea arabica tree ☕️🐐

📸: African Pygmy, Anglo Nubian, Welsh Mountain goats