KCA works to provide a platform for media correspondents to interact, build solidarity & enhance their profile in the media industry in Kenya
ID: 518310629
http://www.kenyacorrespondents.or.ke 08-03-2012 08:26:08
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There is a need to set up mitigation measures as far as climate change is concerned. #WorldPressFreedomDay #WPFD2024 #JournalismIsNotACrime #FreeSpeech ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa ARTICLE 19 Katiba Institute Mzalendo Journalists for Human Rights (JHR)

The World is moving towards the internet hence the need to safeguard digital freedom. ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa Luminate UNESCO Eastern Africa #WPFD2024 #WorldPressFreedomDay2024 #Apressfortheplanet

Feel free to engage with our #WPFD2024 official Press Release. #WorldPressFreedomDay2024 Luminate ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa Media Council of Kenya Association of Media Women in Kenya Kenya Editors’ Guild

Journalists are the guardians of our planet. #WPFD2024 ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa Luminate Media Council of Kenya UNESCO Eastern Africa PEN Kenya

There is an urgent need to protect a free, fair, and fearless media, #WPFD2024 #WorldPressFreedomDay ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa Luminate UNESCO Eastern Africa

A PRESS FOR THE PLANET: Journalism in the face of environmental crisis. our Nyanza chapter members have embarked on tree planting during this #WPFD2024 for a better environment and a better and greener future. ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa Luminate Media Council of Kenya Kenya Editors’ Guild

Coast Journalists Urged To Raise Awareness Of Environmental Conservation. tinyurl.com/bdhztwhm Spokesperson GoK

Our Upper Eastern members taking part in tree planting in Meru during the #WPFD2024 A PRESS FOR THE PLANET: Journalism in the face of environmental crisis. Media Council of Kenya ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa Luminate

Our Lower Eastern team was well represented during the #WPFD2024 KUJ Kenya Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) Internews in Kenya ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa Luminate

Let us promote responsible journalism. Every freedom has its limitations. Thuku Wa Kariuki - His Worship The Mayor is a documentarist and our Nairobi chapter member. #WPFD2024 KUJ Kenya Association of Media Women in Kenya ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa Luminate @uescoea

Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers in the world. On this special day, we celebrate your immense support and contributions to the society. We love and Value you! Media Council of Kenya Association of Media Women in Kenya Katiba Institute KUJ Kenya WANIFRAMediaFreedom Voice for Women and Girls' Rights-🇰🇪 @WomenInNews

We are happy to join EACSOF Secretariat Summit 2024 in Arusha. Our Secretary General william oloo Janak is representing us at the summit. PALU UNESCO to AU,UNECA,Ethiopia African Union UNESCOEastAfrica