Katrin Beuthert
PhD student @ Institute of Nanotechnology /KIT (@DehnenStefanie); Inorganic (Main Group) Chemistry; @JungeWohler
ID: 1175877163242991617
22-09-2019 20:59:14
181 Tweet
249 Following
Die designierte GDCh-Präsidentin Stefanie Dehnen war zu Gast beim SWR Science Talk. Ein Video der Sendung findet sich in der ARD-Mediathek unter swr.de/swr2/wissen/au… Stefanie Dehnen KIT Karlsruhe #anorganischechemie
What do you do when your X-ray diffraction data becomes challenged? PD Dr. Constantin Hoch from Universität München is coming to your rescue in his educational and entertaining #STOE User Talk on Thursday Nov 16th, 3pm! Register here: attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/15554… #diffraction #Xray
We are happy and proud to be featured in the open Collection on "Main Goup Chemistry" (nature.com/collections/ha…) with our article on the formation of bismuth-tungsten-carbonyl clusters: nature.com/articles/s4200… 👩🔬👩🔬👨🔬🎉 Stefanie Dehnen
🔬 Die JCF-Umfrage zur Situation von Promovierenden in der Chemie ist online! 📊🤝 Wir hoffen, dass sich möglichst viele Promovierende beteiligen. JungChemikerForum GDCh GDCh-Karriereservice #Promovierende #Chemie #Umfrage #JCFUmfrage ➡️ bit.ly/49G8ep8
Season's greetings to all friends across the world–with thanks for great interactions in 2023! Wishing you a happy, successful, healthy & (more!) peaceful New Year 2024! KIT Karlsruhe HelmholtzAssociation DFG public | @[email protected] European Research Council (ERC) Humboldt-Stiftung Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina 3D Matter Made to Order 4f_for_future
Wanna learn crystal picking? Inert, ultra-cold, and/or from liquid ammonia or HF? Refinements of challenging structures? Proper data treatment? Join our Hands-On Single Crystal Workshop Department Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy FU Berlin by Junge Wöhler Vereinigung and JungeFeste. Registration is open: bcp.fu-berlin.de/xrayworkshop
Come and join us, the YC (AK Junge Kristallographen/Young Crystallographers), STOE (STOE) and JW (Junge Wöhler Vereinigung) for a fun evening in Bayreuth! Its science slam time.