BiG7 | (@jimmyhuang19) 's Twitter Profile
BiG7 |


@memeland 🏴‍☠️ @yugalabs 🐒 @Bitmen_🔮Crypto Art collector 🏞

ID: 989234695

calendar_today04-12-2012 17:40:13

27,27K Tweet


1,1K Following

Tom Huang (@tuturetom) 's Twitter Profile Photo

1/13 在 2006 年,3 个年轻人以 16.5 亿美元的价格出售了一个视频分享网站。 然后一夜之间消失了。 没错,这个网站就是 Youtube,如今,该网站价值超过 4550 亿美元, 拥有 26 亿活跃用户,并且永远的改变了娱乐行业! 他们为何放弃历史上最有价值网站?下面是关于 Youtube 的早期 13 个小故事:👇

1/13 在 2006 年,3 个年轻人以 16.5 亿美元的价格出售了一个视频分享网站。


没错,这个网站就是 Youtube,如今,该网站价值超过 4550 亿美元, 拥有 26 亿活跃用户,并且永远的改变了娱乐行业!

他们为何放弃历史上最有价值网站?下面是关于 Youtube 的早期 13 个小故事:👇
Mal Lin (@mal_lin93) 's Twitter Profile Photo

【談談接下來對市場的看法】 自3月以來,市場就不斷地在50-70k之間徘迴,很多人都還在期待能破ATH,但這個大型區間震盪的情形,我認為短時間內都會是如此 【宏觀方面】

LEI (@themarketmemo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

有意思:日本有超過5.2萬家運營中的企業超過100年歷史,其中1938家企業已經營超過500年,21家企業超過1000年。這些企業被稱為「老鋪」(Shinise)。如大阪的金剛組 (Kongo Gumi) 成立於公元578年,專門建造佛教寺廟,是全球最古老的公司之一。 日本有這麼多百年企業的秘訣在於一個字:家。

DeeKay (@deekaymotion) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I just became a victim of cybercrime. All of my wallets were compromised, and my life savings, everything I earned as an artist in Web3 are gone. This happened during a 14-hour flight from Korea to New York, coincidentally in mid-flight when I had no internet access. I have no

Bitman.lens (🌸, 🌿) (@bitmantw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

⭐️Discovering CHIIKAWA ちいかわ💫アニメ火金 Asia’s Adorable New Sensation⭐️ - Ticker: #CHIIKAWA - CA: DHoadXCbf6TcadkcMGJ8kFRdDa2sXPQ1KrgodUDRpump - MC: 600k CHIIKAWA is one of Asia's hottest new IPs, and if you haven’t heard of it yet, it's time to meet this charming series.

⭐️Discovering CHIIKAWA <a href="/ngnchiikawa/">ちいかわ💫アニメ火金</a> 
Asia’s Adorable New Sensation⭐️

- Ticker: #CHIIKAWA
- CA: DHoadXCbf6TcadkcMGJ8kFRdDa2sXPQ1KrgodUDRpump
- MC: 600k

CHIIKAWA is one of Asia's hottest new IPs, and if you haven’t heard of it yet, it's time to meet this charming series.
Benson Sun (@bensontwn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

【對meme season及後市的看法】 雖然現在場內挺bullish的,但說實話meme season的持續性我覺得不會太長,起碼 meme 板塊市值不會像 Murad 那樣吹得這麼高,整體山寨市場在曲終人散之後可能會迎來堪比 2017 年 ICO 浪潮後崩潰的熊市

CHAR ❤️ Memecoin (@0xchar) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“ Imagine a Memecoin called Memecoin with the ticker $MEME. What if I was to tell you that this coin has been launched by @9gag, the biggest standalone meme platform with 200m users and running since before bitcoin existed, would you be interested ?”

“ Imagine a Memecoin called Memecoin with the ticker $MEME. 
What if I was to tell you that this coin has been launched by @9gag, the biggest standalone meme platform with 200m users and running since before bitcoin existed, would you be interested ?”
9GAGCEO ❤️ Memecoin (@9gagceo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The $MEME community is like Asian parents. They have high expectations for their kids. They beat the shit out of their kids. But they won't allow others to touch a hair on their kids' heads. I don't know if we are a cult. I only know that I feel at home. ♥️

Oguz O. | 𝕏 Capitalist 💸 (@thexcapitalist) 's Twitter Profile Photo

5 fintech stocks with 10x potential:🧵 1. $SOFI It slowed down lending when the Fed started raising rates in 2022. Yet, it posted 26% revenue growth thanks to strong member growth and financial services products. It's now ramping up lending which will skyrocket the growth.

5 fintech stocks with 10x potential:🧵

1. $SOFI

It slowed down lending when the Fed started raising rates in 2022.

Yet, it posted 26% revenue growth thanks to strong member growth and financial services products.

It's now ramping up lending which will skyrocket the growth.
DARTΞR 🎯 (@dartereth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

冷錢包被海關查?各位小心資產被沒收 先說總結:冷錢包被拿走無所謂,註記詞千萬要放家裡,別帶身上 近期剛好去了趟杭州待了兩週,去的時候沒事,準備回台灣那天過安檢就出事了



DCH (@dch_crypt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

PainToken X MEMEland how to make money this fall? - How to get rich on it - Site Overview - PainToken X Stakeland? Read below,so you don't miss🐙

PainToken X MEMEland how to make money this fall? 

- How to get rich on it
- Site Overview
- PainToken X Stakeland? 

Read below,so you don't miss🐙
Intl Econ Observe (@ieobserve) 's Twitter Profile Photo

傳奇投資者Druckenmiller受訪,談了自己的Nvidia部位、債券看法以及選舉相關的交易,蠻有趣的,他在300塊就大量買進了Nvidia,結果也是賣飛魚尾給別人吃了 #Nvidia與AI產業 我在我的投資生涯中犯過很多錯誤。其中之一就是我可能在800到950之間賣掉了Nvidia。我認為那隻股票今天漲到1300了。


ApeCoin (@apecoin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Have you moved your ApeCoin to ApeChain yet? TL;DR: Holding ApeCoin ON APECHAIN means you won’t have to keep claiming/staking your tokens to compound the yield. Automatic Yield Mode.

Have you moved your ApeCoin to ApeChain yet?

TL;DR: Holding ApeCoin ON APECHAIN means you won’t have to keep claiming/staking your tokens to compound the yield.

Automatic Yield Mode.