Ireland Embassy Berlin
Embassy of Ireland in Berlin. Botschaft von Irland.
For urgent assistance for Irish citizens call: +49(0)30220720.
Twitter Policy: bit.ly/18pQXKH
ID: 201644197
https://www.ireland.ie/en/germany/berlin/ 12-10-2010 09:20:38
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There is only one month to go until the Frankfurt Irish Festival! If you are interested in joining our volunteer team for the day, email your name and contact details to [email protected].

It was a pleasure to have SciFest winners Méabh and Sarah as well as their teacher Ms Holland from Sacred Heart Secondary School at the Embassy in June as part of the Berlin Long Night of Science. You can read their report on their trip here: scifest.ie/.../Sarah-and-…

Wonderful performances Irish Festival Berlin last night in ufaFabrik Berlin by Donal O’Connor, Zoë Conway & John McIntyre as well as Glaser Gyula & Nicole Ohnesorge. Tickets still available for today’s fantastic programme here: berlin.de/tickets/vermis…

It has been a privilege to serve as Ambassador to Germany. Thanks for everyone’s support Mary and I depart for Beijing today, where I am honoured to serve as Ambassador to China. Irlambchina Best of luck to my successor Maeve Collins who will take over this account.

Yesterday at The Last Rose of Summer, 🇮🇪 clarinet virtuosa Carol McGonnell joined an ensemble with artistic directors Vladimir Stoupel and Judith Ingolfsson along with Friedemann Ludwig on Violoncello- as part of Zeitgeist Irland 24

📢A special edition of Creative Frameworks, our info & networking sessions for 🇮🇪 creatives in 🇩🇪, will take place in the Berlinische Galerie on 16 Sept. 📌Focus: Fine Art 🗣️Guest speaker: Guido Faßbender, Curator Berlinische Galerie More info & registration: ireland.ie/en/germany/ber…

We are aware of a large police operation ongoing in the Karolinenplatz area of Munich. We advise citizens to exercise caution and follow Polizei München advice on Social Media.

It was a pleasure to welcome the new German-Irish Chamber of Commerce CEO Stefanie Ziska and Dr Sara Borella to the Embassy yesterday. 🇩🇪 is Ireland’s largest trade partner in the 🇪🇺. The Chamber is an important enabler of this relationship.

Es war mir eine Ehre, Bundeskanzler Scholz bei einem Empfang für das Diplomatische Korps zu treffen. Herzlichen Dank Herr Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz für den freundlichen Empfang. Ich freue mich auf die Fortsetzung der starken 🇮🇪-🇩🇪 Freundschaft. 📷Bundesregierung/Thomas Koehler