stefano maria iacus (@iacus) 's Twitter Profile
stefano maria iacus


Stat&Prob&Fishing&Japan. Geek, R Core Team (1999-2014), Prof @LaStatale UNIMI, @EU_Commission now at @IQSS. Father of 3. New book ๐Ÿ‘‰

ID: 40754053

calendar_today17-05-2009 22:45:39

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776 Following

stefano maria iacus (@iacus) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Old photo of Gary King vs #propensityscore community about matching for causal inference in observational studies. (inspired by some other post around AI)

Old photo of <a href="/kinggary/">Gary King</a> vs #propensityscore community about matching for causal inference in observational studies. 

(inspired by some other post around AI)