Phillip Gribble
Professor and Chair, Department of Athletic Training and Clinical Nutrition
ID: 24257535
https://www.uky.edu/chs/pagr224 13-03-2009 21:22:55
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Thank you Colin Griffin for great insights into lateral ankle sprain rehabilitation #las. Progression milestones #IAS10_2024

Good morning! We are ready to wake up with what is sure to be an outstanding talk from Dr. Evert Verhagen 😃👏 Evert Verhagen IAS10_2024 #IAS10_2024

Utilizing the socio-ecological framework is key for implementation science to ensure we as scientists and clinicians are not over-simplifying or missing the complexity of injury (Sub in a picture of an ankle here 😉) Evert Verhagen IAS10_2024 #IAS10_2024

#IAS10_2024 We need to move from being internally expert to becoming externally relevant. KISS principle as a guide, keep it simple…stu… Brilliant talk by Evert Verhagen from mount stupid to a plateau of sustainability

#IAS10_2024 Adam Rosen Dual tasking, visiomotor control disaster after showing mastery of complex skills. ‘The golf ankle’

#IAS10_2024 Adam Rosen great talk on dual tasking and cognitive tasks. A few conclusions Use the multiple (free) resources out there and be creative

Alan Needle #IAS10_2024 Addressing maladaptive neuroplasticity and kinesiophobia ‘How do I get my patients ready for the real world’ Think about how your rehabilitation can be ‘neural’ for CAI

Alan Needle #IAS10_2024 Top talk on how we can move the needle on rewiring rehabilitation. Paper coming out soon in Journal of Athletic Training meridian.allenpress.com/jat/article/do…

#IAS10_2024 Phillip Gribble presents evidence on additional components for ankle rehabilitation - STARS by Patrick O. McKeon & Erik Wikstrom journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/full…

Dr. Phillip Gribble delivering a symposium presentation on Multi-Approach Treatments in CAI (ROAST) at the IAS10_2024 in Strasbourg, France University of Kentucky College of Health Sciences Phillip Gribble #IAS2024

#IAS10_2024 Phillip Gribble presents the 3 phases of rehabilitation enhanced in the SMART protocol (sensori-motor ankle rehab) Ongoing trial to evaluate outcomes

Hot off the press!!! Published results from our double blind RCT on BFR after an ACL reconstruction. We found BFR no more effective than standard rehabilitation in improving quadriceps strength, morphology, or physiology Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/abst…

Are you feeling as excited as we are about all things ankle after this past IAS10_2024 !? Please be sure to sign up for the IAC membership to stay in the loop with research blogs, quarterly newsletters, updates on the next IAS, and more coming soon🤫😊 forms.gle/NG2ckpVtEftDsn…

🆕 #OriginalResearch Developing a data-driven multimodal #injury and #illness #prevention programme in male professional #football based on a #risk management model: the IP2 NetWork ⚽ By Bahar Hassanmirzaei, Roald Bahr, @DrTabbenand and colleagues. OA ARTICLE 👉🏼