The Global Fund
A worldwide movement to defeat HIV, TB and malaria and ensure a healthier, safer, more equitable future for all.
ID: 34889448
http://www.theglobalfund.org 24-04-2009 09:43:53
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"The AIDS movement is a movement for health equity; the HIV response is a trailblazer for inclusion, impact & responsive health systems—bringing #humanrights values to all health programming." -Friends President ChrisCollinsTowery at the #AIDS2024 opening press conference⬇️

Stephenie Rodriguez survived cerebral malaria in 2019. Now, she champions the fight against malaria as a The Global Fund changemaker. 📖 Here’s her story: theglobalfund.org/en/stories/202…

Uganda’s National Medical Stores is the backbone of the nation’s cold chain system, distributing essential medicines to over 3,500 health facilities with support from The Global Fund partnership. Together, we can strengthen health systems & #EndEpidemics. globalfund.exposure.co/building-a-fut…

Here's a story of how we recently collaborated with MoH to distribute long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets to households across #SierraLeone, with support from The Global Fund, CatholicRelief, USAID, World Health Organization (WHO) and U.S. President's Malaria Initiative (PMI). uni.cf/4dvLCJr #ForEveryChild, good health

To sustain the #HIVresponse and ensure that people living with and at risk of HIV have the services they need, countries need to plan in the long term. Integrating HIV services and care into #UHC & broader health services is key. Florence Riako Anam medium.com/beingwell/sust…

During the #TICAD 9 Ministerial Meeting thematic event, “Global Health Financing to Achieve #UHC in Africa," hosted by 日本国際交流センター(JCIE) & セーブ・ザ・チルドレン・ジャパン / Save the Children Japan, The Global Fund's Shunsuke Mabuchi highlighted efforts to further in-country collaboration with partners such as @Gavi & World Health Organization (WHO) to strengthen

How does #oxygen plant company PCI Gases feel about partnering with The Global Fund to transform medical #oxygenaccess across #Indonesia🇮🇩 👇 More here: pcigases.com/news/pci-award… Kementerian Kesehatan RI Budi G. Sadikin Peter Sands Joko Widodo i+solutions #MenujuIndonesiaMaju #InvestinOxygen

Great News: The Global Fund announces US$525 million in new grants to #Malawi, focusing on strengthening health systems to: ✅ Achieve the 95-95-95 HIV targets. ✅ Accelerate rapid molecular testing & preventive therapy for TB. ✅ Eliminate malaria by 2030. theglobalfund.org/en/updates/202…

We are excited to announce The Global Fund as our session partner for the #AHTS24. Together, we will explore innovative solutions to improve healthcare delivery across Africa. Join us today! Register: healthtechsummit.africa Access the agenda: healthtechsummit.africa/agenda/ #DigitalHealth

On the occasion of #SFD’s 50th anniversary, H.E. Peter Sands Peter Sands, Executive Director of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria The Global Fund, congratulates and shares his insights on SFD’s role in fostering a safer, healthier, and more equitable world.

Nous sommes extrêmement fières d'avoir contribué à l'autonomisation des jeunes en les informant sur leurs droits en matière de santé sexuelle et reproductive, tout en les aidant à faire des choix éclairés. The Global Fund Speak Up Africa #lesheroinesdufaso #VoixEssentiELLES

A reliable supply chain is essential for delivering quality healthcare. We're proud to have contributed to Ministry of HealthZW infrastructure needed to 🏪 store, 🚌 transport, & distribute 💊 medicine efficiently & safely, meeting World Health Organization (WHO) standards, with thanks to support by The Global Fund.

In 🇿🇼, UN Development through The Global Fund has invested nearly US$30 million in provision of warehousing & improving storage of 💊💊 & medical supplies at Ministry of HealthZW 🏨 health facilities. Watch UN Development 🇿🇼 Resident Representative Ayodele Odusola, explain how 🎥👇🏾 UNDP Africa Mandeep Dhaliwal