Elias Gerrick
Assistant Professor at UChicago Microbiology. Interested in protists in the gut microbiota.
ID: 1452461833235824641
https://voices.uchicago.edu/gerricklab/ 25-10-2021 02:27:59
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Goddamnit this is a great article from Dr. Katherine J. Wu, Ph.D. - outstanding work. theatlantic.com/health/archive…

Interested in unraveling how the #microbiome modulates health and disease? Come join my new lab at Universität Jena! We have two #PhDpositions in #ChemicalBiology Synthesis: bit.ly/3JEjIwT Biochemistry: bit.ly/3BP7D5T #chemjobs #chemPhD #ChemTwitter #microverse_exc 1/3

Had a really fun time talking with Katherine J. Wu, Ph.D. for this piece that addresses how unfamiliar forms of multicellularity challenge our concepts of individuality, life and death theatlantic.com/science/archiv…

Check it out! Laura Keller’s masterpiece of her thesis work is finally in print. Great work and just in time for her graduation. nature.com/articles/s4158…

If you’re interested in host-microbiota interactions but like your microbes with membrane bound organelles then our paper on symbiotic protists is for you. Congrats Elias Gerrick and a huge thank you to all our collaborators! cell.com/cell/fulltext/…

Ready for the last #MVIF in 2023? We and the speakers 🇺🇸Jack A Gilbert (he/him/his) 🇨🇦Chunlong Mu 🇺🇸Mike Tisza 🇺🇸Sarah Teichman 🇺🇸Elias Gerrick are! Register👉hopin.com/events/microbi… *at the Atlantic event join 🇮🇹Svetlana U. Perović to discus how to do better remote conferencing as an attendee!

Thrilled to announce that I've accepted an offer to join the UC Davis UC Davis Health UC Davis Physiology Physiology & Membrane Biology and OB/GYN departments! I'm super excited to launch my own lab with such an incredible set of new colleagues! More details to come!

🚨Please RT! 📢 We're HIRING a Junior Specialist to join my new lab at UC Davis Physiology this summer! We will use several cutting-edge techniques to study the uterus and pregnancy. If you are a motivated and curious self-starter seeking a postbac, come join our growing team! 🧫🥼🧪

Please join us in welcoming our newest faculty member to the University of Chicago Department of Microbiology, Dr. Elias Roth Gerrick Elias Gerrick, who will join as Assistant Professor effective September 1, 2024. (1/3)

KhaderLab UChicago Department of Microbiology is looking to fill the position of Lab Manager. For more information on the position and to apply uchicago.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/External/job/C…. To learn more about the lab's research program and our diverse research group, please visit voices.uchicago.edu/khaderlab/

18 years ago, I came to the US to pursue my dream of becoming a scientist. Last week marked a major milestone in this journey, as I accepted an Assistant Professor position at The University of Chicago, where I am thrilled to start my own research group in January 2025! (1/5)