Félix Luginbühl (@felixluginbuhl) 's Twitter Profile
Félix Luginbühl


Data Scientist & R Developper

ID: 802089598671273984

linkhttps://felixluginbuhl.com/ calendar_today25-11-2016 10:00:37

74 Tweet


141 Following

Geneva R Users Group (@genevarusers) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Next Geneva RUG Meetup will be on July 5 SDG Solution Space EPFL Extension School. Very excited to announce that our speaker will be R blogger Félix Luginbühl @lgnbhl ! More info and free registration: meetup.com/Geneve-R-User-…

Next Geneva RUG Meetup will be on July 5 <a href="/sdgsolspace/">SDG Solution Space</a> <a href="/epfl_exts/">EPFL Extension School</a>. Very excited to announce that our speaker will be R blogger Félix Luginbühl @lgnbhl ! More info and free registration: meetup.com/Geneve-R-User-…
Xavier (@xvrdm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Super happy to see nearly 20 people showing up this evening Geneva R Users Group ! Thanks everybody for coming 👏 and @lgnbhl for the inspiring 💫 talk!

Super happy to see nearly 20 people showing up this evening <a href="/GenevaRUsers/">Geneva R Users Group</a> ! Thanks everybody for coming 👏 and @lgnbhl for the  inspiring 💫 talk!
John Coene (@jdatap) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Introducing the #rstats {twinetverse} package; everything you need to collect, build, and visualise #twitter interactions. In depth documentation thanks to Yihui Xie {bookdown}: twinetbook.john-coene.com

Félix Luginbühl (@felixluginbuhl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I just saw that my new R package 📦 {wikisourcer} has been selected in the "Top 40 New Packages of Octobre 2018" 🎉. Thank you @rstudiojoe #rstats ➡️ rviews.rstudio.com/2018/11/29/oct… ➡️ felixluginbuhl.com/wikisourcer/

I just saw that my new R package 📦 {wikisourcer} has been selected in the "Top 40 New Packages of Octobre 2018" 🎉. Thank you @rstudiojoe #rstats
➡️ rviews.rstudio.com/2018/11/29/oct…
➡️ felixluginbuhl.com/wikisourcer/
Félix Luginbühl (@felixluginbuhl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New #rstats blogpost! An interactive exploration of regional human #development inequalities around the world felixluginbuhl.com/shdi/ Jeroen Smits Global Data Lab #HDI #SDGs #DataViz

Félix Luginbühl (@felixluginbuhl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you very much Jon Calder and R Weekly for sharing my new #rstats blog article this week 👍🙏 ▶️ rweekly.org/#RintheRealWor… ▶️ felixluginbuhl.com/swiss-data/

Thank you very much <a href="/jonmcalder/">Jon Calder</a> and <a href="/rweekly_org/">R Weekly</a> for sharing my new #rstats blog article this week 👍🙏

▶️ rweekly.org/#RintheRealWor…
▶️ felixluginbuhl.com/swiss-data/
Félix Luginbühl (@felixluginbuhl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New #rstats blogpost! How to get the most recurring word on each country's Wikipedia page and visualize them in an interactive #worldmap using #leaflet felixluginbuhl.com/leaflet-map/

John Coene (@jdatap) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🙏Thanks to everyone who gave feedback on the #coronavirus tracker #rstats app, it helped greatly improve it and make corrections ‼️ You can now see data by city 📌, over time⌛️, and more. github.com/JohnCoene/coro…

🙏Thanks to everyone who gave feedback on the #coronavirus tracker #rstats app, it helped greatly improve it and make corrections ‼️ You can now see data by city 📌, over time⌛️, and more. 

Félix Luginbühl (@felixluginbuhl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy to discover my little R package {gotop} appearing in the last R Weekly release😊 If you are an #RStats Shiny/RMarkdown user, feel free to give it a try! ➡ felixluginbuhl.com/gotop/

Happy to discover my little R package {gotop} appearing in the last <a href="/rweekly_org/">R Weekly</a> release😊

If you are an #RStats Shiny/RMarkdown user, feel free to give it a try!
➡ felixluginbuhl.com/gotop/
Félix Luginbühl (@felixluginbuhl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How to choose the right chart for your #dataviz? Just discovered the Visual Vocabulary of the Financial Times' Data Journalism team: ft-interactive.github.io/visual-vocabul…