Eva Nossem
antiracist-queertransfeminist translator~lexicographer~fairtrader #CulturalBorderStudies #bordertextures #borderlanguaging @UniGR_CBS @Lingotransfair | she, her
ID: 930575503
http://nossem.de 06-11-2012 21:28:43
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Penser les frontières pour demain – Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary Laboratoire Pacte discute dans sa présentation d’ouverture des perspectives critiques pour un monde en crises et mode d’urgences #BorderStudies

„Terézia Moras Erzählungen inszenieren reale geografische und imaginäre Grenzen, zeigen Grenzbereiche menschlichen Verhaltens auf und stellen die Grenzen der Texte infrage.“ – Lena Wetenkamp @UniTrier beim #UniGR_CBS Seminar #BorderStudies

“Discover insights into the lives of young refugees in Luxembourg. A recent study published in MDPI explores their vulnerability and future dreams, revealing a multi-layered perspective on migration.” – Amalia Gilodi @uni_lu_geo at the #UniGR_CBS Border Studies Seminar

Today Université Lorraine: Focus on the #UniGR_CBS working groups at the #BorderStudies Seminar day 2: Learn more about the activities & cooperations of the Interdisciplinary UniGR Center of Expertise 👉 Visit the Digital Knowledge & Documentation Center knowledge.borderstudies.org

Register now: The #UniGR_CBS working group Bordertextures invites you to the next #AtelierBordertextures: The public lecture by Lola Aubry uni.lu - Geography on dynamics of bordertextures from the perspective of welcome cultures takes place on Thursday (16/11) 👉shorturl.at/ltPY9

Last week #UniGR_CBS member Astrid M. Fellner Universität Saarland gave a talk on Border Crisis Art in the online lecture series #BorderRealities: Thank you very much for your insights & reflections on #artivism & solidarity, hope, and reparative practices 👏

Opening of the #gks2024 yesterday and 1st day of the conf on #borders,#mobilities, and #migration in @Grainau UniGR-Center for Border Studies #Grainau #CanadianStudies #BorderStudies #MigrationStudies #MobilityStudies

The new edition of #UNITABorders takes place at Università di Torino in Turin on 15-19 July 2024. It is a programme organised as part of the Univ. Montium alliance. We welcome applications from students through Erasmus funding. #borders en.unito.it/international-…

Thank you, San Antonio, it was great! Association for Borderlands Studies