Tao Chen (@drtaochen) 's Twitter Profile
Tao Chen


Research interests: History of PRC's foreign relations, Global business history, German history, China's industrialization. tongji.academia.edu/TaoChen

ID: 823611009663438848

calendar_today23-01-2017 19:19:01

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453 Following

Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk (@ilkokowalczuk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

1/NĂŒchtern reiht der Historiker Frank Bösch aus Potsdam Fakten an Fakten und schreibt so eine andere Geschichte der Bundesrepublik bis 1989 – eine mit der vollmundig immer wieder geĂ€ußerten Absicht, Diktaturen weltweit zu Ă€chten und zugleich damit nur die von ihr als

1/NĂŒchtern reiht der Historiker Frank Bösch aus Potsdam Fakten an Fakten und schreibt so eine andere Geschichte der Bundesrepublik bis 1989 – eine mit der vollmundig immer wieder geĂ€ußerten Absicht, Diktaturen weltweit zu Ă€chten und zugleich damit nur die von ihr als
Pierre-Yves DonzĂ©ă€€ăƒ”ă‚šăƒŒăƒ«=ă‚€ăƒŽăƒ»ăƒ‰ăƒłă‚Œ (@pydonze) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New book just published! My history of Japanese business, co-authored with Julia Yongue, was just released today. It is available on the site of Oxford University Press: global.oup.com/academic/produ
 The ebook version is available on Amazon and other platforms.

New book just published!

My history of Japanese business, co-authored with Julia Yongue, was just released today. It is available on the site of Oxford University Press:

The ebook version is available on Amazon and other platforms.
Philipp Ther (@philipp_ther) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This will be my talk uni.lu: In the Storms of Global Transformation: Shipbuilding in Late State Socialism, Postsocialism and the Enlarged EU.

This will be my talk <a href="/uni_lu/">uni.lu</a>: 
In the Storms of Global Transformation: Shipbuilding in Late State Socialism, Postsocialism and the Enlarged EU.
Pierre-Yves DonzĂ©ă€€ăƒ”ă‚šăƒŒăƒ«=ă‚€ăƒŽăƒ»ăƒ‰ăƒłă‚Œ (@pydonze) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My global history of the watch industry is now available in paperback (with a new cover). For just 33 euros, discover the transformations of watchmaking from the early 19th century to the present day. manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/9781526176257/

My global history of the  watch industry is now available in paperback (with a new cover). For just 33 euros, discover the transformations of watchmaking from the early 19th century to the present day.
Philipp Ther (@philipp_ther) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Interessanter Thread und neues Buch zur Werftindustrie in Ostdeutschland. Das interessiert mich als Mitautor von "In den StĂŒrmen der Transformation" Suhrkamp Verlag besonders. Der Arbeitsplatzabbau in Polen kam spĂ€ter, war aber Ă€hnlich groß. Hauptgrund: Die Konkurrenz aus Ostasien.

Viola Zhou (@violazhouyi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Facing a U.S.-China tech decoupling, Microsoft asked hundreds of engineers in China to relocate to countries including the U.S., Canada, and Australia. But do these Chinese AI engineers actually want to leave? đŸ§” restofworld.org/2024/microsoft
 via Rest of World

Kyle Chan (@kyleichan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nippon Steel has played a formative role in China’s steel industry, going back to 1978 when it agreed to build a new steel plant at a site near Shanghai called Baoshan. Baoshan combined with other steel factories over time to form Baowu, now the world’s largest steel producer.

Nippon Steel has played a formative role in China’s steel industry, going back to 1978 when it agreed to build a new steel plant at a site near Shanghai called Baoshan.

Baoshan combined with other steel factories over time to form Baowu, now the world’s largest steel producer.
Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk (@ilkokowalczuk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

1/Keine andere Wissenschaftsdisziplin zeigt sich so intensiv bemĂŒht um die eigene Geschichte wie die Historiographie. Logisch, möchte fast meinen. Ich weiß nicht, ob das irgendwen außerhalb des Faches interessiert. FĂŒr die SelbstverstĂ€ndigung halten Historiker*innen das fĂŒr enorm

1/Keine andere Wissenschaftsdisziplin zeigt sich so intensiv bemĂŒht um die eigene Geschichte wie die Historiographie. Logisch, möchte fast meinen. Ich weiß nicht, ob das irgendwen außerhalb des Faches interessiert. FĂŒr die SelbstverstĂ€ndigung halten Historiker*innen das fĂŒr enorm
Katrina Northrop (@northropkatrina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I spoke with Peter Hessler about his new book, what had and hadn’t changed from his initial teaching experience in China in the 1990s, why he thinks the lab leak theory is wrong, and why he was eventually forced to leave China: thewirechina.com/2024/07/28/pet

Koji Hirata (@hirako13) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am excited to share my new article, “Mining the informal empire: Sino-Japanese relations and ironmaking in Manchuria, 1909–1931.” tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10

Kyle Chan (@kyleichan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

People focus on US manufacturing jobs going overseas. But check out the huge shift in US auto manufacturing jobs from Michigan and Ohio to California and Alabama.

People focus on US manufacturing jobs going overseas.

But check out the huge shift in US auto manufacturing jobs from Michigan and Ohio to California and Alabama.
Joseph Seeley (@josephaseeley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Early in the Cold War, North Korea was a regular exhibitor at the East German Leipzig Trade Fair. Among other things to entice fairgoers was a display of wild animal furs and fur products, including pelts of the now critically endangered Amur Leopard.

Early in the Cold War, North Korea was a regular exhibitor at the East German Leipzig Trade Fair. Among other things to entice fairgoers was a display of wild animal furs and fur products, including pelts of the now critically endangered Amur Leopard.
Adam Tooze (@adam_tooze) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Can Western carmakers derisk in China? The unreality of geoeconomic realism. Latest Chartbook newsletter just dropped. Check it out and sign up for more here. Features work of Kyle Chan David Fickling adam wolfe open.substack.com/pub/adamtooze/

Can Western carmakers derisk in China? The unreality of geoeconomic realism. 
Latest Chartbook newsletter just dropped.
Check it out and sign up for more here. 
Features work of <a href="/kyleichan/">Kyle Chan</a> <a href="/davidfickling/">David Fickling</a> <a href="/adamkwolfe/">adam wolfe</a> 

Tao Chen (@drtaochen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Is this the end of Germany's neoliberal model? Beatrix Keim: „Volkswagen muss seine massive KomplexitĂ€t verringern“: table.media/china/intervie
 via @