Headteacher (@donheadhm) 's Twitter Profile


Donhead is a Roman Catholic Preparatory School in Wimbledon for boys aged 4 to 11 under the trusteeship of the Society of Jesus

ID: 903358464113733633

linkhttp://www.donhead.org.uk calendar_today31-08-2017 20:46:56

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Headteacher (@donheadhm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wising all the Donhead staff, governors, parents and of course boys a very Happy New Year. I pray that 2023 brings peace and joy to you all and your loved ones CISC IAPS Jesuit Schools UK

Wising all the Donhead staff, governors, parents and of course boys a very Happy New Year. I pray that 2023 brings peace and joy to you all and your loved ones <a href="/CISCSchools/">CISC</a> <a href="/iapsuk/">IAPS</a> <a href="/JesuitSchoolsUK/">Jesuit Schools UK</a>
Headteacher (@donheadhm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Such a wonderful and uplifting morning as Donhead Prep School and Ursuline Prep School joined to celebrate Mass. We were all challenged to let our light shine as we begin 2023. Thank you to all the staff, parents and pupils from both schools for making the service so special CISC

Such a wonderful and uplifting morning as <a href="/DonheadPrep/">Donhead Prep School</a> and <a href="/UrsulinePrep/">Ursuline Prep School</a> joined to celebrate Mass. We were all challenged to let our light shine as we begin 2023. Thank you to all the staff, parents and pupils from both schools for making the service so special <a href="/CISCSchools/">CISC</a>
Donhead Prep School (@donheadprep) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are pleased to announce the date of our next Open Morning. Come and see our school in action! donhead.org.uk/admissions/opeā€¦ #OpenMorning #JesuitValues #DonheadCuriosity #DonheadCreativity #DonheadCompassion #prepschool Jesuit Schools UK IAPS CISC

We are pleased to announce the date of our next Open Morning. Come and see our school in action! donhead.org.uk/admissions/opeā€¦ 

#OpenMorning #JesuitValues #DonheadCuriosity #DonheadCreativity #DonheadCompassion #prepschool <a href="/JesuitSchoolsUK/">Jesuit Schools UK</a>  <a href="/iapsuk/">IAPS</a> <a href="/CISCSchools/">CISC</a>
Headteacher (@donheadhm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our deepest condolences to all our friends and colleagues Epsom College following the tragic news reported today. The community Donhead Prep School stood in silence during assembly today as a mark of respect and we will keep you all in our prayers at this most challenging of times šŸ™

Donhead Prep School (@donheadprep) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today is Safer Internet Day 2023 with celebrations and learning based around the theme ā€˜Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life onlineā€™ youtube.com/watch?v=rl_gZTā€¦ #SaferInternetDay #SID2023 #DonheadComputing #DonheadCuriosity Jesuit Schools UK IAPS

Today is Safer Internet Day 2023 with celebrations and learning based around the theme ā€˜Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life onlineā€™ youtube.com/watch?v=rl_gZTā€¦ #SaferInternetDay #SID2023 #DonheadComputing #DonheadCuriosity <a href="/JesuitSchoolsUK/">Jesuit Schools UK</a> <a href="/iapsuk/">IAPS</a>
Headteacher (@donheadhm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy Easter to all the wonderful Donhead community. Hoping all the staff, parents and boys are celebrating this day with loved ones and family. He is risen, Alleluia CISC Jesuit Schools UK #HeIsRisen #Easter2023

Happy Easter to all the wonderful Donhead community. Hoping all the staff, parents and boys are celebrating this day with loved ones and family. He is risen, Alleluia <a href="/CISCSchools/">CISC</a> <a href="/JesuitSchoolsUK/">Jesuit Schools UK</a> #HeIsRisen #Easter2023
Headteacher (@donheadhm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Getting ready for our Coronation picnic on Friday. Look out for my outfit to mark this momentous occasion in our history on Friday. Jesuit Schools UK CISC IAPS #Coronation2023

Getting ready for our Coronation picnic on Friday. Look out for my outfit to mark this momentous occasion in our history on Friday. <a href="/JesuitSchoolsUK/">Jesuit Schools UK</a> <a href="/CISCSchools/">CISC</a> <a href="/iapsuk/">IAPS</a> #Coronation2023
Headteacher (@donheadhm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Was a pleasure to welcome Sir Anthony Seldon to Donhead Prep School today. We first met around 10 years ago and the conversation flowed on topics such as 11+, Epsom College and AI. As always, the discussion was thought provoking and I look forward to the next! IAPS Jesuit Schools UK

Was a pleasure to welcome <a href="/AnthonySeldon/">Sir Anthony Seldon</a> to <a href="/DonheadPrep/">Donhead Prep School</a> today. We first met around 10 years ago and the conversation flowed on topics such as 11+, <a href="/EpsomCollegeUK/">Epsom College</a> and AI. 
As always, the discussion was thought provoking and I look forward to the next! <a href="/iapsuk/">IAPS</a> <a href="/JesuitSchoolsUK/">Jesuit Schools UK</a>
Donhead Prep School (@donheadprep) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers in our lives! #fathersday #Fathersday2023 #DonheadPrep #privateschool #independentschool #Donhead #JesuitValues #DonheadCreativity #DonheadCuriosity #DonheadCompassion #prepschool #JesuitSchools #iapsuk #ciscschools #SW19 #Wimbledon

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers in our lives! #fathersday #Fathersday2023 #DonheadPrep #privateschool #independentschool #Donhead #JesuitValues #DonheadCreativity #DonheadCuriosity #DonheadCompassion #prepschool #JesuitSchools #iapsuk #ciscschools #SW19 #Wimbledon
Headteacher (@donheadhm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Last ever JPP breakfast with Mr Barr. So proud of the numerous boys during my 6 years who have been recognised as epitomising the virtues we hold so dear. Jesuit Schools UK CISC IAPS

Last ever JPP breakfast with Mr Barr. So proud of the numerous boys during my 6 years who have been recognised as epitomising the virtues we hold so dear. <a href="/JesuitSchoolsUK/">Jesuit Schools UK</a> <a href="/CISCSchools/">CISC</a> <a href="/iapsuk/">IAPS</a>
Headteacher (@donheadhm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today I said my farewells to the Donhead boys and parents after 6 years leading this amazing school. I have been overwhelmed by the kindness from the community and will always remember Donhead Prep School fondly. I look forward to seeing everyone next season across the rugby pitch