Don Salmon
The Voice of the new black media. Philosophy if Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Fannie Lou Hamer, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing. $Dijani2020.
ID: 24491044
15-03-2009 05:17:08
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Don Salmon This was a slap in the face to all of his ancestors. I'm happy he's had good experiences, the lean made him forget that there are good people and bad people. He downplayed the torment his ancestors went through and the current struggle of his people. I don't care for him.
Don Salmon I have no compassion for the US and European countries (the so called developed countries) complaining about immigrants ( the so called developing countries). They are reaping what they sowed. They have set us back a thousand years with first slavery and now the policies.
Don Salmon Cause they don't wanna listen. They keep on bleeding "the developing countries" dry till this day. They are plundering the countries that have gold, diamonds, oil etc.,because the leaders have been influenced and overcome with greed. This system has been in place for a long time.
Don Salmon You mean the same police that can't do anything about the gangs taking over buildings bc.... POLITICS? OK