The #concussion research program at the University of Delaware run by Dr. Thomas Buckley & Dr. Tom Kaminski. #concussions #UDel #ATC
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https://sites.udel.edu/buckley-concussion-research/ 12-09-2015 01:58:03
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Congrats Landon Lempke on his recent CARE Consortium publication on optimizing baseline and post-concussion assessments and he identified a 10-factor latent profile tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.10…
Quick trip earlier this week to visit with LAST Lab Marquette & Jacob J. Capin, PT, DPT, PhD, MS to discuss post-career outcomes in athletes from either head or knee trauma. No presentation photo (silly me) so here's the campus marker 😀
Congrats Gian Garcia, PhD on his latest CARE Consortium publication in Sports Medicine showing longer symptom free waiting periods lead to lower re-injury rates. link.springer.com/article/10.100…
Check out our latest CARE Consortium work observing few sex differences in recovery trajectories of assessments for concussion among NCAA athletes! NCAA Research Ohio State News – Research OSU School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Ohio State Chronic Brain Injury Program Dr. Christina Lin Master CHOP Research Dr. Carrie Esopenko Esopenko Lab link.springer.com/article/10.100…
Good story on the UGAconcussion research lab and Rob Lynall. gradynewsource.uga.edu/uga-concussion…
Recent protocol paper from our lab group led by Melissa Anderson with our X-less Data Science colleagues on using integrative data analysis to identify risk of post-concussion MSK in BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. bmjopensem.bmj.com/content/10/1/e…
Concussion Attitudes in Collegiate Athletes have improved over the last decade with Scott Passalugo, Caitlin Gallo, Kelsey Evans, & @bmunkasy in Brain Injury. tandfonline.com/eprint/EJPAIQR…
To my #PT #PhysicalTherapy friends, please support Airelle Giordano for Sports PT President!!
A reminder to my PT friends to vote for Airelle Giordano for President of the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy.
Congratulations to Airelle Giordano on winning the Presidency of the American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy!!
Latest from CARE Consortium in @AJSM_SportsMed, neck pain is common post #concussion and may slow recovery; journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/03…
Come join the Department of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology in UD Health Sciences as an Assistant Professor of Anatomy & Physiology (continuing, non-tenure track). Reach out to me with questions or search committee chair Dr. Melissa Witman careers.udel.edu/cw/en-us/job/5…