Canadian Labour Economics Forum
We are a network of mostly Canadian academic researchers focused on labour market analysis.
ID: 4218852478
http://clef.uwaterloo.ca 18-11-2015 15:03:19
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Join us this FRIDAY at 1-2pm ET for our next webinar. Adam Lavecchia will present "The Impact of Comprehensive Student Support on Crime" examining data from Toronto's Pathways to Education Program. Don't miss it! Registration instructions here: clef.uwaterloo.ca/webinar/.

You don't want to this! Happening TODAY at 1:00pm EST. Send an email to [email protected] to register and get the Zoom link.

*NEW* Minimum wages don't impact all labour markets in the same way. Using Irish data, Kevin Devereux and zuzanna.studnicka find positive effects on work hours local labour markets that are less competitive and job losses in more competitive labour markets. 👉clef.uwaterloo.ca/wp-content/upl…

Our season finale! Happening in one hour. Send an email to [email protected] to get the Zoom link.

Canadian Labour Economics Forum artist formerly known as twitter thread on the paper here: x.com/socampdi/statu…

CLEF research by Mikal Skuterud, Christopher Worswick, and Matt Doyle gets a mention on Freakonomics Radio. freakonomics.com/podcast/why-is…

Thanks Canadian Labour Economics Forum for sharing our latest WP (coauthored with Leonardo Fabio Morales Zurita and Diego Salazar). Check it out!

*NEW* Former Canadian Economics Association Pres Pierre Fortin finds "the common-sense belief that more immigration contributes to reducing economy-wide labour scarcity is wrong and constitutes a dangerous fallacy of composition." ENGLISH👉clef.uwaterloo.ca/wp-content/upl… FRENCH 👉clef.uwaterloo.ca/wp-content/upl…

At Canadian Economics Association #ACEA24, I'm most looking forward to the Canadian Labour Economics Forum Best Young Research Award winners presenting their research: Guangbin Hong , Sébastien Montpetit & Thomas Palmer. That's followed by our Keynote Philip Oreopoulos! Starting at 2:00 p.m. on May 31

Canadian Labour Economics Forum panel with the amazing KOFFI MARLÈNE, Dwayne Benjamin and Sermin Gungor on how the profession envisions inclusivity happening!

Working papers of three winners of our 2024 Best Young Researcher Paper Competition are now available. 1) Worker sorting and inequality: clef.uwaterloo.ca/wp-content/upl… 2) Workplace training: clef.uwaterloo.ca/wp-content/upl… 3) Childcare policy: clef.uwaterloo.ca/wp-content/upl… Take some time to read!

Research by Christopher Worswick and coauthors mentioned in today's Bloomberg piece below was published by Canadian Journal of Economics and initially released here 👉 clef.uwaterloo.ca/wp-content/upl…. If only more policymakers read Canadian Labour Economics Forum research! bnnbloomberg.ca/business/2024/…

Register for the 2024-2025 CLEF Webinar Series! Season opener on September 20 at 1-2pm ET. Full schedule: clef.uwaterloo.ca/webinar/. To register, send an email to [email protected] with "CLEF Webinar" in the subject line.

Great line up for this year's CLEF Webinar Series!! Sign up to attend! In Jan. 2025, I'll be presenting new work co-authored with Virginie Martin at Département d'économique - Université Laval. Can't wait!!

Super-excited to see Lazaridis School of Business & Economics 's Anto Mancino as the season opener for the Canadian Labour Economics Forum webinar series for 2024-25, please drop by! She'll be presenting work based on an LCERPA Economics working paper, which you can check out here: lcerpa.org/files/LCERPA_2…