CARE Danmark
Grøn udviklings- og nødhjælpsorganisation, der arbejder verden over for at støtte de mennesker, der er hårdest ramt af klimaforandringer. Del af @CAREGlobal
ID: 72532192 08-09-2009 11:39:24
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"Behovene er enorme og stiger," fortæller vores CARE-kollega SherineIbrahim, landedirektør i CARE Türkiye, live fra sin bil i Gaziantep i Tyrkiet til CNNs Christiane Amanpour #dkpol #dkaid #jordskælv…
We received today an Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office air shipment with over 17,000 blankets that will be distributed to thousands of people affected by the #earthquakes in #Syria. Together with our partners, we are providing emergency aid to respond to the immense #humanitarian needs.
"We need an immediate #humanitarian ceasefire. It’s been 30 days. Enough is enough." - Leaders of 18 United Nations agencies and NGOs, including CARE International's Secretary-General Sofia Sprechmann Sineiro, urge for a #CeasefireNOW on the #IsraelGazaWar. ➡️Read:
Failure to secure ambitious agreements on climate adaptation would be catastrophic for communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis warns CARE ECSA Region's Obed Omete #COP28
SKANDALE. - Så enkelt kan det siges. Det her må bores ud og ansvaret placeres Signe Munk Samira Nawa