Buckner Elementary
Buckner Elementary is home to over 600 amazing kids. We are a part of the ever impressive OCS system. We are the BEARS!!!
ID: 1154209868766679052
25-07-2019 02:00:51
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A new tradition Buckner Elementary tenure Tuesday. We celebrated staff who received tenure at our first faculty meeting of the year. The Costco cake was a winner. Tenure=experience =more depth of knowledge=greater student learning. @elizabeth_dant #bucknerelem
Kids are “jamming” their way into school every morning to some beats. A simple small speaker and some high fives changes everyone’s mood. @elizabeth_dant @kbebelaar Richard Parrott @ocsfoster OCGoesOrange #BUCKNERELEM
Numerous rays of sunshine! The kids coming off the bus, the OCHS football team arriving early to greet our kids, as well as, the literal rays of sunshine captured in the picture. Thanks Mr. Lange for bringing them over. @elizabeth_dant OldhamCo Schools #TeamOldham OCGoesOrange
Mrs. Lindauer piloting new smart boards. Super excited kids and teacher. #bucknerelem @elizabeth_dant Angie White OldhamCo Schools
OCHS National Honor Society came to Buckner Elementary to share about cultivating healthy friendships. They partnered with Sources of Strength and let all of our kids know they have a friend. #studentleadership
Morning Message. It is amazingly horrifying @kbebelaar OCGoesOrange OldhamCo Schools youtube.com/watch?v=QudgkY…
Happy first day of school Buckner Elementary OldhamCo Schools youtu.be/ySqjSASLQcU via YouTube