Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile
Joseph S


Australian. Conservative. Loving father. Reformed Catholic. Save the nuclear family and save the West ✝️

Proud member of @FSUofAustralia

ID: 1728634805208928256

calendar_today26-11-2023 04:40:58

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Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This thread is well worth the read for anyone who loves their hometown or state and has seen it be destroyed by disastrous leftist and neo-lib policies. We have been betrayed.

Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"What we call "religion" is actually the immutable moral structure of the universe, but encoded into stories that even dim-witted people can understand and follow." This is actually a highly perceptive and meaningful observation, even if it comes from hoe_math

Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I think this is more a case of Harris having a tiny vocabulary and repeating the same phrases ad nauseum. "I was raised in a middle class family..." being the classic example.

Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As an Aussie... Hell yes! If there is any way we can help, let us know. Make Australia Greet Again! 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺

Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As in the USA, the Australian Army is finding out that demoralizing white men over decades doesn't exactly inspire them to fight and die for their country.

Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Oh ffs stop banning shit that helps us quit smoking! It's a nicotine pouch you put between your lip and gum, just like... Nicorette gum! The shock! The horror!

Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Yeh, having a baby is great and all but you know what's really important? A career making widgets for a company where you will never be remembered and are completely interchangeable, unlike being a mother to your child to whom you are irreplaceable.

Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You are doing the Lord's work! I'm a Queenslander and this is a big issue for me. It's unacceptable we allow children to literally be murdered.

Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Why did they take Sweet Baby Ray's face off of the label of the sauce... That he himself created! They can rename the grooming gang page to be a 'moral panic' but I would love to see 2020 receive that label. It would be so much more fitting.

Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm with you Konstantin. The crackpots only serve to discredit us. I'm just a nobody but I do subscribe to TRIGGERnometry so that's gotta count for something.

Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Pro-tip: don't take history lessons from people who have never opened a history book in their lives, let alone done actual research.

Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Well said, Megan. For too people have not said anything out of fear of being impolite or "mean". The time for that has well and truly passed.

Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This, and the Live Births Bill failing in SA, are really demoralizing. Praying hard to stay motivated. We shoukd not let this stop us fighting for the truth.

Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's because all this degeneracy is the sign of a civilization in decline, squandered by the elites and the middle-class who inherited it. People who have to focus on day to day living don't have time for this shit so they lean towards reality based (conservative) politics.

Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

One of the big reasons I left reddit is their limited vocabulary. Everything is a "Nazi dog whistle". Every thread has a lame "hold my x" series of "joke" posts. Every thread has to have the superior thrust. So boring.

Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sad that we have to do this, but conservatives: you really need to sign up to, and use, Community Notes. I've been a member for a while and it is infested with leftists who organize to label everything they don't like 'misinformation'.

Joseph S (@baseddownunder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How does asomeone go from being an ex-QLD cop to being the richest man on the planet owning two space related ventures, being the top EV manufacturer, and buying Twitter and renaming it? It's pretty suss guys, come on.