Nils Anthes
Conservation ecologist and evolutionary biologist @uni_tue | farmland biodiversity | conservation | biostatistics
ID: 1370764029535391744
https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/4272 13-03-2021 15:49:56
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#FarmlandBird conservation needs effective support measures. New meta-analysis of 🇪🇺 farmland #EcoSchemes in Conservation Letters reveals variable benefits for current options, also among foraging and nesting guilds. check OA: doi.org/10.1111/conl.1… Julia Staggenborg Evolution & Ecology Tübingen

How good is our #PARTRIDGEmix for insects? To find out, Francis Buner took The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust's insect sampling D-vac all the way to Göttingen, to sample Eckhard Gottschalk & Lisa Dumpe's #flowerblocks in our project area Diemarden. There were loads! #InsectWeek2022 #biodiversity #farmland

Virtueller Rundgang durch unsere botanische Schatzkammer, Teil 1: QR-Code scannen oder kuula.co/share/collecti…. Tolle Arbeit, Uta Grünert (Kustodin) und David Kühner (MUT - Museum der Universität Tübingen)! Forum Biodiversität Schweiz Science Notes Gunther Willinger Herbarium - Univ. of Hohenheim SENCKENBERG Naturkundemuseum Stuttgart Universität Tübingen

Tübingen biology students must be a little crazy: awarding a biostatistics class ;-) Thanks a lot to the student council biology ... very much appreciated!! And congrats to Ingeborg & Henri Thomassen. Evolution & Ecology Tübingen

Keine Zerstörung wertvoller Biodiversitätsflächen!⛔️ Heute diskutieren die Agrarminister*innen über den Erhalt der letzten Rückzugsorte für die #Artenvielfalt. Die Umweltstandards der #GAP dürfen nicht aufgegeben werden! .Cem Özdemir .@BMEL! #Brachen sind unverzichtbar.

Agri-environment schemes can significantly increase local bird and butterfly populations. New #OpenAccess paper in Journal of Applied Ecology doi.org/10.1111/1365-2… 1/5

Neue Studie zu (Larval)Habitaten des Libellen-Schmetterlingshaft jetzt online in Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, mit Nina Stork + Thomas Bamann. - Study on (larval) habitats of Owly sulphur (Libelloides coccajus) now online in Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung. - tinyurl.com/2mxkuyjb Contact personally for full text.

New vacancy: Post-doctoral researcher "Aerial insect and bird movements". Are you interested to work within the MoveInEurope project of @globam_net? Then apply here: my.jobalino.ch/de/jobpreview/… Birgen Haest Silke Bauer

Corn Bunting ecology and conservation in NW Europe: Looking forward to wordshop Day 1 today with many stimulating inputs. Goal: more collaboration & exchange. > Short-notice attendance welcome: tinyurl.com/mpcr8mr2. with Freek Verdonckt @VzwVeldwerk Evolution & Ecology Tübingen

NEW paper! We present a modest and versatile introductory worflow for linear modelling in R. Scripts included! We hope students and young scientist will benefit from this tool. Carefully think before you act though! Nils Anthes University of Bristol Universität Tübingen doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2…

Ever struggled validating + displaying linear models? This is for you! > #GLM|M routines in #Rstats glmmTMB > Exploration, residual + simulated data assessment, result displays. doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2… with Matteo Santon Evolution & Ecology Tübingen University of Bristol Vogelwarte_Science #DataScience

Land #abandonment is increasing globally and shapes landscapes, rural #livelihoods and #biodiversity. New perspective paper in Science Magazine by Gergana Daskalova and me: science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…