Amy Sample Ward (@amyrsward) 's Twitter Profile
Amy Sample Ward


CEO @NTENorg - living and working at the intersection of equity + tech + social change. Author: The Tech That Comes Next. they/them

ID: 9410172

link calendar_today12-10-2007 20:09:21

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Multnomah County, OR (@multco) 's Twitter Profile Photo

PLEASE SHARE: All registered voters in MultCo should have received their ballots by today, Thurs, Oct. 27, 2022. If you have not yet received your ballot by mail, or if you need a replacement ballot, please contact Multnomah County Elections at 503-988-VOTE (8683).

PLEASE SHARE: All registered voters in MultCo should have received their ballots by today, Thurs, Oct. 27, 2022. If you have not yet received your ballot by mail, or if you need a replacement ballot, please contact <a href="/MultCoElections/">Multnomah County Elections</a> at 503-988-VOTE (8683).
Amy Sample Ward (@amyrsward) 's Twitter Profile Photo

At NTEN, we believe the internet is a powerful & necessary tool. In order for everyone to benefit from it, it's critical the gov moves on ensuring that ISPs aren't hiding #JunkFees and making it more expensive for nonprofits and community members to get online.

Rebecca Nagle (@rebeccanagle) 's Twitter Profile Photo

One of the underlying custodyā€™s cases in Haaland v Brackeenā€”the story of Baby Oā€”has not been reported anywhere else. And the details are shocking. My latest for the The Nation.ā€¦

IllumiNative (@illuminative) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tribes have the constitutional right to make the ultimate decision regarding the welfare of Tribal citizens. We must #ProtectICWA to protect Native children. #SCOTUS

Rebecca Nagle (@rebeccanagle) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#ICYMI I was on NPR AllThings Considered to talk about whatā€™s at stake in the #Brackeen #SCOTUS case. In short: itā€™s the future of Indigenous nations in the U.S.ā€¦

Gaby Sarri-Tobar (@gabysarritobar) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Shutoffs are still very much an issue for families across the country. And especially with rising gas prices ahead of the cold winter months, it's crucial we ensure #NoShutoffs. Thank you, Rep. Suzan DelBene & Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester for introducing the PUDDLE Act to advance #UtilityJustice!

Rebecca Nagle (@rebeccanagle) 's Twitter Profile Photo

After some cringe-worthy coverage from non-Native outlets, here is a run down of Native journalists covering last weekā€™s #scotus oral arguments in Haaland v #Brackeen. Jourdan Bennett-Begaye & @Pdineclah covered protests outside #SCOTUS for ICTā€¦

benwen (@benwen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Open source software for nonprofits? Pls apply here for the Pizzigati Prizeā€¦ Antonio T. Pizzigati was CEO of my first MIT co-founded team. He died in a car accident at age 26. Do good today #MLKDay #softwareforgood #opensourceforgood NTEN

Amy Sample Ward (@amyrsward) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Proud to have NTEN join with 165 other orgs working toward #DigitalEquity to call on Congress to provide the funding the #ACP needs to continue delivering low-cost #internet - We believe that the internet is a powerful & necessary tool that EVERYONE should be able to have.

Common Sense Media (@commonsense) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is what bipartisanship looks like. The #AffordableConnectivityProgram is helping millions get online, no matter where they live or how they vote. #OnlineForAll

This is what bipartisanship looks like. The #AffordableConnectivityProgram is helping millions get online, no matter where they live or how they vote. #OnlineForAll
Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (@reprashida) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We cannot ignore the facts, climate change is here. This summer, deadly heatwaves have swept our nation, endangering millions struggling with unaffordable utility bills. My colleagues and I wrote to Speaker McCarthy and Leader Jeffries urging immediate action to keep people safe.

We cannot ignore the facts, climate change is here. This summer, deadly heatwaves have swept our nation, endangering millions struggling with unaffordable utility bills. My colleagues and I wrote to Speaker McCarthy and Leader Jeffries urging immediate action to keep people safe.