Dr Amar Puttanna 🎸
EPCA winner|QiC award DIADEM| @MRCPUK|@BrJCardiol|Diabetes Consultant-frailty, ageing, dementia, sustainability, cardiovascular|med ed @GoggleDocs|tweets my own
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https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/about-rcp/whos-who/people/dr-amar-puttanna 10-02-2017 17:12:12
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Making up for lost time! Enjoying midweek birthday cocktails Prof Kamlesh Khunti Mamas A. Mamas

Thermal imaging and metabolic health…. Another to add to the list of interesting identification methods Prof Kamlesh Khunti GoggleDocs 😁 Thermal facial image analyses reveal quantitative hallmarks of aging and metabolic diseases: Cell Metabolism cell.com/cell-metabolis…

NAION and Semaglutide: What is this all about? Our editorial just published in JAPI. Dr Ambrish Mithal Prof Kamlesh Khunti Dr Amar Puttanna 🎸 J S Kumar MD FRCP (Edin) anoop misra Jothydev Kesavadev Dr. Shashank Joshi Dr.V.Mohan japi.org/article/japi-7…

Our NIHR ARC East Midlands with Centre for Ethnic Health Research Video for the public: Understanding Systematic reviews We worked with our public contributors to develop the video Systematic reviews are important in research & policymaking -they help make evidence-based decisions. youtube.com/watch?v=IBeIyZ…

Slowly making my way to European Society of Cardiology #ESCCongress as part of GoggleDocs 😁😁 Looking forward to catching up with all my international friends!! 🥳 🍸 Prof Kamlesh Khunti Dr. Deepak L. Bhatt Patrick Holmes Amrit

Individuals with middle age–onset diabetes develop #dementia 4 years earlier than those without diabetes (or late onset diabetes) Important to prevent or delay T2 diabetes diabetesjournals.org/care/search-re… ADA Professional Publications

More than visceral adiposity. #Diabetes susceptibility in Asian ethnic subgroups #Genetics The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology thelancet.com/journals/landi…

#ESCCongress hypertension guidelines 🔥New categories 🔥screening 🔥protocol for confirmation 🔥patient-formerly guideline version upcoming 📍Presentation NOW at London European Society of Cardiology Dr Shrilla Banerjee MD FRCP 💙 Ezman Shariff Indah Sukmawati, MD Novi Tham Erik Rafflenbeul Silvia Castelletti MIЯVΛƬ #IC

Glad to have been involved in this - a little insight into my thoughts and experiences on social media and education! Thank you Daniel Ghinn Jamie Doggett CREATION GoggleDocs Partha S Kar 🇮🇳🇬🇧🏏🎥 Prof Kamlesh Khunti Harriette Van Spall, MD MPH European Society of Cardiology EASD ABCD Diabetes Naresh kanumilli DSNforumUK

A cardiologist teaching something to an endocrinologist on HRT 🙌🏽👌🏽 European Society of Cardiology Dr. Martha Gulati ♥️🫀❤️🩹🇨🇦 #ESCCongress2024 #ESCCongress

Diabetes and even prediabetes are associated with accelerated brain aging, but this may be counteracted by a healthy lifestyle. ADA Professional Publications Read Here➡️ diabetesjournals.org/care/lookup/do…