Fawaz Al-Mufti, MD, FSVIN
Associate Dean for Research @NYMedcollege;
Interventional Neurologist/Neurointensivist @WestchesterMed;
@SVINsociety Treasurer; @MThrombectomy Global Chair
ID: 348224629
https://www.westchestermedicalcenter.com/physicians/almulfti-fawaz--1420 04-08-2011 02:29:24
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As a die-hard supporter of #FOAMed , Iām honored to have served as a guest editor of this Brain Sciences MDPI #openaccess special edition āThe Aftermath of Cerebral Ischemia: Management, Effects, Prognostic Factor, Recovery, and Recurrenceā with Sherief Ghozy, MD & Adam A. Dmytriw

Fawaz Al-Mufti, MD, FSVIN Derrick Cheng, MD DNV JCAHO News + Consult AshuJadhav Dr. Lee Schwamm Casey Albin, MD Adnan H. Siddiqui, MD Adnan MujanoviÄ Neha Dangayach MD MSCR FAAN FCCP FCCM FNCS AHA Science Mohammad El-Ghanem Pascal Jabbour MD, FAANS, FACS, FAHA priyank khandelwal ā„ļøthis, some poor grade SAH have a chance. Avoid the self full-filling prophecy

Fawaz Al-Mufti, MD, FSVIN DNV JCAHO News + Consult AshuJadhav Dr. Lee Schwamm Casey Albin, MD Adnan H. Siddiqui, MD Adnan MujanoviÄ Neha Dangayach MD MSCR FAAN FCCP FCCM FNCS AHA Science Mohammad El-Ghanem Pascal Jabbour MD, FAANS, FACS, FAHA priyank khandelwal Congratulations this is such an important topic!

My latest, of course with (and spearheaded by) my brother Fawaz Al-Mufti, MD, FSVIN An update of the 1968 Hunt-Hess scale that basically segregates grade 5 patients into those that we now routinely save with modern Neurocritical care (moving them into grade 4) and the other half who die

My latest with the New York Medical College Westchester Medical Center Health Network team, led of course by my brother Fawaz Al-Mufti, MD, FSVIN A Weighted Mortality Score for Moderate-to-Severe Subdural Hematoma Predictors of mortality: ā¢ Age greater than 70 ā¢ Diabetes mellitus ā¢ Mechanical ventilation (i.e. coma) ā¢

Our latest from the #FAM Research & Innovation Lab: New York Medical College Westchester Medical Center Health Network A Weighted Mortality Score for Mod-to-Severe #Subdural Hematoma led by Fawaz Al-Mufti, MD, FSVIN Predictors of Mortalityā ļø: ā¢ Age>70 ā¢ DM ā¢ Ventilation ā¢ Hydroceph ā¢ Herniation mdpi.com/2923984

See below for the jam packed agenda for our Annual Meeting of the New York State Neurological Society on 11/9/24 Metropolitan Pavilion, and our preceding Women in Neurology Event on 11/8/24! #Neurology #MedEd Register: lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/pndf6cw More information: nysneurology.com

Comparison of Hemorrhage on CT Versus MRI After Thrombectomy: The HECATE Study | Stroke: Vascular and Interventional Neurology Stephan A Mayer Fawaz Al-Mufti, MD, FSVIN Neha Dangayach MD MSCR FAAN FCCP FCCM FNCS ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/SVā¦

Pre-clinical Models of Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke. SHAHID NIMJEE Amon Zakeri As candidate drugs transition from small- to large-animal preclinical testing, it's crucial to account for anatomic variations in architecture and size among animals. ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.11ā¦

TICK TOCKā¦ 74 days until #SVIN24 Annual Meeting!! Fact 2: This SVIN will feature our inaugural Town Hall Making the Match on Tues Nov 19 for trainees! Meet the panel of program directors + experts: Mouhammad Jumaa Edgar A Samaniego P Lawrence Wechsler Jenny P. Tsai MD led by Rahul Rao