The American Association of Teachers of French (AATF) is the largest national association of French teachers in the world Moderated by Catherine Ousselin.
ID: 68879400
http://frenchteachers.org 26-08-2009 02:33:39
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📅 Join fellow Francophones and Francophiles at the French Library’s Fall Open House on Sat. Sept 7, 2024, from 10 AM to 4 PM! Discover French culture, enjoy refreshments, and explore French Library's classes and events. Free entry! RSVP required ➡️ bit.ly/3yT2dI6

Pour le #MangaDuMois, Iamblacko nous parle de "Kuroko's Basket" 🏀 aux éditions Crunchyroll FR ✨ . On murmure qu'Evan Fournier était lui aussi dans l'équipe de basket du collège Teikô, la légendaire “Génération Miracle” 👉shorturl.at/3cGQd

The NC Public Schools 24-25 #Writing #PD Series from NCDPIELATeam with #LIS has a lot to offer #NCWLstandards educators, starting with 9/12 webinar on Teaching Grammar in Context: drive.google.com/file/d/1U-qh0m… #DLIinNC #LF4NC FLANC

The Paralympic Torch Relay is still on its way to Paris! Thank you for the amazing turnout in each city where the torch is passed from one scout to the next! 🤩 📸 Pauline Figuet Paris 2024 / Alexandre Fadel Digital Video

Dernière ligne droite avant les #jeuxParalympiques de #Paris2024 ! Les petites mains de l'organisation s'affairent aux dernières retouches avant la #CérémonieDOuverture, ce mercredi à 20 heures. ➡️ Antoine Besse a assisté à ces derniers instants avant que la magie n'opère