TSEG is a leading journal on social and economic history of the Low Countries. published by @iisg_amsterdam @LeuvenUP
ID: 963060526703087616
http://www.tseg.nl 12-02-2018 14:41:37
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De organisatie @nwp_esh is klaar voor de tweede dag, bedankt voor de goede zorgen, ook jij Rogier van Kooten
PhD Maartje A.B. Faculty of Arts - Radboud University talks about communication between hanseatic towns, and the differences between the general hanse meetings and subregional meetings @nwp_esh
This collection weaves together different perspectives, shedding new light on the Dutch and Portuguese empires in the Atlantic, by shifting the focus to their intricate interplays, moving away from state-centered visions. Read the review Irene Vicente-Martín tseg.nl/article/view/1…
In England, colonization was not exclusively an affair of the male educated elite. Dr Misha Ewen argues for the inclusion of individuals across the whole social spectrum to fully understand colonizing enterprises. Read Joris van den Tol s review in TSEG tseg.nl/article/view/1…
In de 16e eeuw was het stadsbestuur van Antwerpen aan verandering onderhevig. Telgen uit families van handelaren vonden steeds vaker hun weg naar de bestuurlijke top. Arie van Steensel schreef in TSEG een recensie over het boek van Janna Everaert. tseg.nl/article/view/1…
What does the rise and decline of the cloth-industry in medieval Ypres tell us about the forces that shaped manufacturing in the region? Peter Stabel Centre for Urban History - CSG provides a detailed and nuanced account, according the review Alka Raman in TSEG tseg.nl/article/view/1….
Erik Odegard follows the careers of two 17th century Dutch colonial governors who went far beyond what was expected of them: Johan Maurits of Nassau-Siegen (1604-1679) and Rijcklof Volckertsz van Goens (1619-1682). Read Henk Looijesteijn 's review in TSEG tseg.nl/article/view/1…
Kom nog even je artikel pitchen voor TSEG, BMGN - LCHR, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis en of JHoK #historicidagen2024