Emre Emet
ID: 1131201098902061057
22-05-2019 14:12:13
683 Tweet
111 Following
HATTRICK! 🪄🚀 Kerem Aktürkoğlu 😍👏
B1ad3 B1ad3, we never hear them giving us information, and you had 30-40 navi fans on your side and we had only 10-15. I lost my clutch on ancient because of fans, even b1t said there no kit cause we are eco, i had one but its your fans who cry there not turkish, my 1v1 vs w0nderful
Deze persoon woont in Brussel en bedreigt kinderen, laat mensen ongepaste video's maken, chanteert, beledigt religieuze en nationale waarden, neem het a.u.b. serieus! Federale Politie
Acun Ilıcalı Fenerbahçe asbaşkanının düştüğü hallere bakın. Gazeteci Gökhan Dinç'le laf dalaşına giriyor. Bir daha İyi ki Galatasaray'lıyız.