Emrah Kırdök
Assistant Prof. Dr. at Dpt of Biotechnology, Mersin University.
Ancient DNA, Ancient Metagenomics, Bioinformatics
ID: 1489205738782216195
http://emrahkirdok.github.io 03-02-2022 11:55:04
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Geçtiğimiz hafta Ezgi Altınışık ile kafa kafaya verip antik DNA alanına verilen Nobel ödülünü yazdık. Okumak isterseniz Bilim ve Gelecek Kasım sayısında....
Last week, we gathered for a metagenomics workshop in Mersin. Then, the disaster happened. Our collaborators contributed to the donations. And they still keep contributing. Thank you Centre for Palaeogenetics!
Here is a piece of text (in Swedish) by Nora Bergfeldt and Zoé Pochon that explains the last week. Our collaborators continue supporting us! Thank you again. Anders Götherström
Thank you! Federico Sanchez Quinto 🙏
After a long process, the work done with Emrah Kırdök, Anders Götherström and many other people has been published in Nature Scientific Reports nature.com/articles/s4159…
Antik sakız taş devri dental sırlarını ortaya çıkardı Mersin Üniversitesi Emrah Kırdök youtu.be/YJvMK2Ko2lk?fe… YouTube aracılığıyla
Please read our latest research on stone age chewed pitches. In this article, we have captured a stone age moment with a great detail. It has received a really good attention in just one week. rdcu.be/dwl1D Anders Götherström Andres Aravena Björn Andersson EkoEvo