Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library
The Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library strives to optimize research, education, and patient care processes with reliable access to data and information.
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https://libraries.emory.edu/health 26-07-2018 18:14:44
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Interesting article about faculty burnout... wonder how many of our faculty feel similarly? Emory Libraries Emory College Emory University Emory Health

Sounds interesting. Who’s going? Emory University | AI.Humanity Emory Libraries Emory Health Emory College

Used Copilot to generate images. "Create image of a library with closed sign." Created library & librarian with hair bun in it. Asked it to remove librarian. It generated below... Some of us have dogs! ;-) Image: Generated with AI (Copilot) Emory Libraries Rose Library Emory

It's Throwback Thursday! 1960: MD at surgery conf with Emory senior med students at Grady. Uniform of the day for med students? Image: tinyurl.com/2nr7st4k #ThrowbackThursday Emory School of Medicine Emory Libraries Emory Healthcare Emory Surgery Emory Health

"Teaching and Learning Moments" piece by Emory School of Medicine student, Kain Kim. "Our Achilles’ Heel: Vulnerability and Medical Uncertainty." Shout-out to Michael C. Carlos Museum Elizabeth Hornor, & Ali John Zarrabi, MD Full text: tinyurl.com/mw7svsc9 Emory Libraries Emory Health

Gideon is one of many resources available at Emory University Emory School of Medicine Emory Nursing Emory Public Health Emory Health. Have questions? ask Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library ! libraries.emory.edu/health/ask-lib…

Heads up! We will be closing early on Sunday, September 1st, at 6 pm. We will be closed on Monday, September 2nd for Labor Day. Emory College Emory University Emory Libraries Emory School of Medicine Emory Nursing Emory Public Health Emory DPT Image: tinyurl.com/j6t5j9cu

It's Trivia Tuesday! Did you know that out of 33, 255 applicants to Emory College that only 3,543 students were admitted for the class of 2027? Image: tinyurl.com/5bmune9b #TriviaTuesday Emory University Emory Libraries

Kudos Drs. Doug Bremner & Viola Vaccarino for "Psychometric properties of the 23-Item Clinician Administered Dissociative States Scale (CADSS) in a psychological trauma population." Emory School of Medicine Emory Epidemiology Emory Public Health tinyurl.com/4b428xnn

Happy Birthday, Dr. Wenger! Emory School of Medicine Emory Healthcare GradyHealth

Kudos Dr. michael.maceroli for "Posttraumatic Arthritis After Acetabular Fractures." Emory Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Emory Surgery Emory School of Medicine Emory Health tinyurl.com/y38ktvpv

It's Throwback Thursday! Days gone by. Students waiting to make photocopies of articles/book chapters from 1979. Image: tinyurl.com/26z22mbc #ThrowbackThursday Emory Libraries Emory College Emory University

Congrats, Dr. del Rio! Emory School of Medicine Emory Health

Welcome back students! Come get popsicles and fruit snacks from Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library next Thursday! 11 am-Noon! Emory Libraries Emory College Emory School of Medicine Emory Nursing Emory Nursing