Emma Goldsmith (@emmagoldsmithpr) 's Twitter Profile
Emma Goldsmith


Guelph Alum #HumberPR ✨

ID: 1303037809490567168

calendar_today07-09-2020 18:30:04

21 Tweet


76 Following

Toronto Star (@torontostar) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ontario says there are smaller in-person classes but the reality playing out in classrooms is a different story, leaving doctors and parents worried. Parents wrote into the Star about the class sizes their kids are dealing with. torstar.co/9UJ350BtCDY

Bloomberg (@business) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“Today we mourn, but with confidence that future generations will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg as we knew her -- a tireless and resolute champion of justice,” Chief Justice John Roberts said about Ruth Bader Ginsburg trib.al/QvGxchi

Emma Goldsmith (@emmagoldsmithpr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Had a great chat with Marlee Socket this evening. She provided me with some super helpful tips for networking and success in the PR world! I’m very thankful for all the supportive grad students 😊✨ #HumberPR

sarah (@sarahkerznerpr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Done my first semester of post grad!! Wishing all my classmates and profs a restful holidays before were back in January! #HumberPRC

Done my first semester of post grad!! Wishing all my classmates and profs a restful holidays before were back in January! #HumberPRC