Emilia Huerta
Population genetics, Human evolution
ID: 2602846615
https://www.huertasanchezlab.com/ 04-07-2014 05:07:13
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We’re thrilled to see our paper (rb.gy/u6islv) on the amylase locus published in nature last week! HUGE thanks to Nicole Soranzo and Erik Garrison (Human Technopole) for setting the stage to collaborate with Peter Sudmant and his lab at UC Berkeley - CR: S. Brandini 1/n

Congratulations Sohini Ramachandran!!!!!

Our study investigating the genetic ancestries of Afro-Puerto Ricans is now published in American Journal of Biological Anthropology! This work was led by Jada Benn Torres & done in collaboration w/COPI 🇵🇷💃🏿: copipr.com (1/n ) onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.10…

📢 SMBE 2025 Call for Symposia - Deadline November 5th, 2024 Details on smbe.org and smbe2025.org #SMBE25 SMBEmeetings

Congratulations to SFI External Professor C. Brandon Ogbunu (C. Brandon Ogbunu), one of the 2024 winners of the National Academies Eric and Wendy Schmidt Awards for Excellence in Science Communications by @theNASEMin partnership with Schmidt Sciences. Selected from nearly 600

Scientists, led by Prof. Dan Bradley and Conor Rossi from TCD Genetics & Microbiology, have used ancient DNA to bring to life the history of the iconic aurochs, whose tale is intertwined with climate change and human culture. Read about this amazing #TrinityResearch at: tcd.ie/news_events/ar…

Excited to share our review article on Denisovans, now out in Nature Genetics🥳I am very grateful to Emilia Huerta for making this possible! Check it out 🔎🧬 nature.com/articles/s4158…

I am truly honored to have been nominated to run for a Director position of Genetics Society of America! GSA members, vote before December 6. My candidacy statement can be found here: genetics-gsa.org/2024-election-…