Elysha Ringin
PhD Candidate at @MPSG_research @MNC_Psychiatry. Interested in bipolar disorder, cognition and cardiovascular health. Views my own.
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20-01-2021 03:31:43
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Our new study is recruiting! If you have bipolar disorder or no history of mental illness and are interested in contributing to #bipolardisorderresearch, contact us at the email listed below Mood-Psychosis Spectrum Research Group

#WorldBipolarDay is nearly here! 🌏 This year at @crest_bd's 5th "Ask Me Anything", >60 experts in #bipolar (people living with BD, clinicians, researchers) gather for 48hrs starting March 30th to answer all your questions. Join us! reddit AMA via -> talkBD.live/world-bipolar-…

Exciting news! Our latest project has been published in Nature Human Behaviour. We call for a reevaluation of the cognitive benefits of physical exercise. Endless thanks Rafa Román-Caballero Miguel Vadillo Darías Holgado Antonio Luque Casado Pandelis Perakakis Daniel Sanabria for their contributions. More below ⬇️

NHMRC postgrad scholarships are open, so its a good time to say I have several PhD projects available in my lab Mood-Psychosis Spectrum Research Group Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre focused on mood-psychosis spectrum disorders. If interested, get in touch: [email protected]. Min data req by May 10, so be quick

Navigating a career in academia as an #ECR can feel daunting. Do you sometimes feel like you're missing information about the research environment? Join Dr Marguerite Evans-Galea AM, Prof Mark Hutchinson, Dr Maithili Sashindranath & Prof David Badcock. 📆Thurs May 11 12:00pm-1:30pm AEST. 🔗uqz.zoom.us/webinar/regist…

So excited to be a part of this year's Pint of Science AU festival, talking all things #bipolardisorder on Tuesday May 23 at the Carlton Brewhouse in Abbortsford! Come along to celebrate our wonderful community of science 🌟🧠tinyurl.com/5abmztjx #PintAU

And just like that, another successful Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society meeting is done! Our team has had the best time sharing and learning all about the latest cogneuro work led by our region's best and brightest 💡🧠 Please get in touch if you have more questions about our research! #ACNS2023