Rohan Elliott
Senior Pharmacist @Austin_Health; Editor @AustPrescriber; Adj A/Prof @MonashPharm. #QUM, #MedicineSafety, #Geraitrics, #TransitionsOfCare. Views my own.
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17-01-2015 11:26:12
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Uncover the nuances of deprescribing antihypertensive drugs for frail older adults. Balancing potential benefits and harms is key for optimal care. Learn more: bit.ly/3XuxXwZ CMUS UniSA University of Sydney Emily Reeve Aili Langford Danijela Gnjidic

Happy to hear from Wiley that our article on #paracetamol dosing in older people was in the top 10 most downloaded articles published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology in 2022. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (BJCP) Austin Health CMUS bpspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11…

Med shortages impact our workload - to keep meds on shelves & patients safe…changing g’lines, EMR orders, relabelling…Kudos to Tim, our amazing purchasing officer! @the_shpa TGA Australia ABC News Health Pharmacy - Austin Health, Australia link.springer.com/article/10.100…

Great use of #EMR Eastern Health #Pharmacy Dept to improve discharge #medicinesafety. Implementation of EMR-generated Patient Medicine Lists & Interim Medication Administration Charts led to large increases in provision of these important tools. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.10…

It's #ResearchFest this week at Austin Health. Pharmacy department projects have been shortlisted for the Quality Improvement Award (oncology #AMS; sedative and anticholinergic #deprescribing), and the Allied Health Research Award (spinal cord injury #AMS).

Time for a medicines stewardship approach to transitions-of-care, to address the intractable problem of medication errors and harms following hospital discharge. Editorial with Manya Angley Deirdre Criddle Jonathan Penm, PhD, FFIP FAdPha FPS FANZCAP FHEA Shania Liu australianprescriber.tg.org.au/articles/achie…

Transitions of care from #hospital have long been associated with a #highrisk of #medicationerrors and #adverseevents. Time for a #stewardship approach? australianprescriber.tg.org.au/articles/achie… Manya Angley Rohan Elliott Shania Liu Deirdre Criddle

It is unusual for transitions of care research to address gaps in medication supply as well as information transfer. This study did, and reported that when hospitals do not dispense discharge medicines there are often gaps in medication access. bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.11…